Multivariate polynomials #
This file defines polynomial rings over a base ring (or even semiring),
with variables from a general type σ
(which could be infinite).
Important definitions #
Let R
be a commutative ring (or a semiring) and let σ
be an arbitrary
type. This file creates the type MvPolynomial σ R
, which mathematicians
might denote $R[X_i : i \in σ]$. It is the type of multivariate
(a.k.a. multivariable) polynomials, with variables
corresponding to the terms in σ
, and coefficients in R
Notation #
In the definitions below, we use the following notation:
σ : Type*
(indexing the variables)R : Type*
[CommSemiring R]
(the coefficients)s : σ →₀ ℕ
, a function fromσ
which is zero away from a finite set. This will give rise to a monomial inMvPolynomial σ R
which mathematicians might callX^s
a : R
i : σ
, with corresponding monomialX i
, often denotedX_i
by mathematiciansp : MvPolynomial σ R
Definitions #
MvPolynomial σ R
: the type of polynomials with variables of typeσ
and coefficients in the commutative semiringR
monomial s a
: the monomial which mathematically would be denoteda * X^s
C a
: the constant polynomial with valuea
X i
: the degree one monomial corresponding to i; mathematically this might be denotedXᵢ
.coeff s p
: the coefficient ofs
Implementation notes #
Recall that if Y
has a zero, then X →₀ Y
is the type of functions from X
to Y
with finite
support, i.e. such that only finitely many elements of X
get sent to non-zero terms in Y
The definition of MvPolynomial σ R
is (σ →₀ ℕ) →₀ R
; here σ →₀ ℕ
denotes the space of all
monomials in the variables, and the function to R
sends a monomial to its coefficient in
the polynomial being represented.
Tags #
polynomial, multivariate polynomial, multivariable polynomial
Multivariate polynomial, where σ
is the index set of the variables and
is the coefficient ring
- MvPolynomial σ R = AddMonoidAlgebra R (σ →₀ ℕ)
Instances For
- MvPolynomial.inhabited = { default := 0 }
If R
is a subsingleton, then MvPolynomial σ R
has a unique element
monomial s a
is the monomial with coefficient a
and exponents given by s
Instances For
C a
is the constant polynomial with value a
- MvPolynomial.C = { toFun := ⇑(MvPolynomial.monomial 0), map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
X n
is the degree 1
monomial $X_n$.
- MvPolynomial.X n = (MvPolynomial.monomial (Finsupp.single n 1)) 1
Instances For
fun s ↦ monomial s 1
as a homomorphism.
- MvPolynomial.monomialOneHom R σ = AddMonoidAlgebra.of R (σ →₀ ℕ)
Instances For
Analog of Polynomial.induction_on'
To prove something about mv_polynomials,
it suffices to show the condition is closed under taking sums,
and it holds for monomials.
Similar to MvPolynomial.induction_on
but only a weak form of h_add
is required.
In particular, this version only requires us to show
that motive
is closed under addition of nontrivial monomials not present in the support.
Alias of MvPolynomial.monomial_add_induction_on
Similar to MvPolynomial.induction_on
but only a weak form of h_add
is required.
In particular, this version only requires us to show
that motive
is closed under addition of nontrivial monomials not present in the support.
Similar to MvPolynomial.induction_on
but only a yet weaker form of h_add
is required.
In particular, this version only requires us to show
that motive
is closed under addition of monomials not present in the support
for which motive
is already known to hold.
Analog of Polynomial.induction_on
If a property holds for any constant polynomial
and is preserved under addition and multiplication by variables
then it holds for all multivariate polynomials.
The finite set of all m : σ →₀ ℕ
such that X^m
has a non-zero coefficient.
Instances For
The coefficient of the monomial m
in the multi-variable polynomial p
- MvPolynomial.coeff m p = p m
Instances For
MvPolynomial.coeff m
but promoted to an AddMonoidHom
- MvPolynomial.coeffAddMonoidHom m = { toFun := MvPolynomial.coeff m, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
MvPolynomial.coeff m
but promoted to a LinearMap
- MvPolynomial.lcoeff R m = { toFun := MvPolynomial.coeff m, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The finset of nonzero coefficients of a multivariate polynomial.
- p.coeffs = Finset.image (fun (m : σ →₀ ℕ) => MvPolynomial.coeff m p)
Instances For
constantCoeff p
returns the constant term of the polynomial p
, defined as coeff 0 p
This is a ring homomorphism.
- MvPolynomial.constantCoeff = { toFun := MvPolynomial.coeff 0, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The R
-submodule of multivariate polynomials whose coefficients lie in a R
-submodule M
- MvPolynomial.coeffsIn σ M = { carrier := {p : MvPolynomial σ S | ∀ (i : σ →₀ ℕ), MvPolynomial.coeff i p ∈ M}, add_mem' := ⋯, zero_mem' := ⋯, smul_mem' := ⋯ }