The Čech Nerve #
This file provides a definition of the Čech nerve associated to an arrow, provided the base category has the correct wide pullbacks.
Several variants are provided, given f : Arrow C
is the Čech nerve, considered as a simplicial object inC
is the augmented Čech nerve, considered as an augmented simplicial object inC
are functorial versions of 1 resp. 2.
We end the file with a description of the Čech nerve of an arrow X ⟶ ⊤_ C
to a terminal
object, when C
has finite products. We call this cechNerveTerminalFrom
. When C
-Set this gives us EG
(the universal cover of the classifying space of G
) as a simplicial
-set, which is useful for group cohomology.
The Čech nerve associated to an arrow.
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Instances For
The morphism between Čech nerves associated to a morphism of arrows.
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Instances For
The augmented Čech nerve associated to an arrow.
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Instances For
The morphism between augmented Čech nerve associated to a morphism of arrows.
- CategoryTheory.Arrow.mapAugmentedCechNerve F = { left := CategoryTheory.Arrow.mapCechNerve F, right := F.right, w := ⋯ }
Instances For
The Čech nerve construction, as a functor from Arrow C
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Instances For
The augmented Čech nerve construction, as a functor from Arrow C
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Instances For
A helper function used in defining the Čech adjunction.
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Instances For
A helper function used in defining the Čech adjunction.
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Instances For
A helper function used in defining the Čech adjunction.
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Instances For
The augmented Čech nerve construction is right adjoint to the toArrow
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Instances For
The Čech conerve associated to an arrow.
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Instances For
The morphism between Čech conerves associated to a morphism of arrows.
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Instances For
The augmented Čech conerve associated to an arrow.
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Instances For
The morphism between augmented Čech conerves associated to a morphism of arrows.
- CategoryTheory.Arrow.mapAugmentedCechConerve F = { left := F.left, right := CategoryTheory.Arrow.mapCechConerve F, w := ⋯ }
Instances For
The Čech conerve construction, as a functor from Arrow C
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Instances For
The augmented Čech conerve construction, as a functor from Arrow C
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Instances For
A helper function used in defining the Čech conerve adjunction.
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Instances For
A helper function used in defining the Čech conerve adjunction.
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Instances For
A helper function used in defining the Čech conerve adjunction.
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Instances For
The augmented Čech conerve construction is left adjoint to the toArrow
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Instances For
Given an object X : C
, the natural simplicial object sending [n]
to Xⁿ⁺¹
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Instances For
The diagram Option ι ⥤ C
sending none
to the terminal object and some j
to X
- CategoryTheory.CechNerveTerminalFrom.wideCospan ι X = CategoryTheory.Limits.WidePullbackShape.wideCospan (⊤_ C) (fun (x : ι) => X) fun (x : ι) => CategoryTheory.Limits.terminal.from X
Instances For
The product Xᶥ
is the vertex of a limit cone on wideCospan ι X
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Instances For
the isomorphism to the product induced by the limit cone wideCospan ι X
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Instances For
Given an object X : C
, the Čech nerve of the hom to the terminal object X ⟶ ⊤_ C
naturally isomorphic to a simplicial object sending ⦋n⦌
to Xⁿ⁺¹
(when C
is G-Set
, this is
, the universal cover of the classifying space of G
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