

Homotopic maps induce naturally isomorphic functors #

Main definitions #

Implementation notes #

The path 0 ⟶ 1 in I

Instances For
    def unitInterval.upath01 :
    Path { down := 0 } { down := 1 }

    The path 0 ⟶ 1 in ULift I

    Instances For

      The homotopy path class of 0 → 1 in ULift I

      Instances For
        @[reducible, inline]
        abbrev ContinuousMap.Homotopy.hcast {X : TopCat} {x₀ x₁ : X} (hx : x₀ = x₁) :

        Abbreviation for eqToHom that accepts points in a topological space

        Instances For
          theorem ContinuousMap.Homotopy.hcast_def {X : TopCat} {x₀ x₁ : X} (hx₀ : x₀ = x₁) :
          theorem ContinuousMap.Homotopy.heq_path_of_eq_image {X₁ X₂ Y : TopCat} {f : C(X₁, Y)} {g : C(X₂, Y)} {x₀ x₁ : X₁} {x₂ x₃ : X₂} {p : Path x₀ x₁} {q : Path x₂ x₃} (hfg : ∀ (t : unitInterval), f (p t) = g (q t)) :

          If f(p(t) = g(q(t)) for two paths p and q, then the induced path homotopy classes f(p) and g(p) are the same as well, despite having a priori different types

          theorem ContinuousMap.Homotopy.eq_path_of_eq_image {X₁ X₂ Y : TopCat} {f : C(X₁, Y)} {g : C(X₂, Y)} {x₀ x₁ : X₁} {x₂ x₃ : X₂} {p : Path x₀ x₁} {q : Path x₂ x₃} (hfg : ∀ (t : unitInterval), f (p t) = g (q t)) :

          These definitions set up the following diagram, for each path p:

              | \      |
          H₀  |   \ d  |  H₁
              |     \  |

          Here, H₀ = H.evalAt x₀ is the path from f(x₀) to g(x₀), and similarly for H₁. Similarly, f(p) denotes the path in Y that the induced map f takes p, and similarly for g(p).

          Finally, d, the diagonal path, is H(0 ⟶ 1, p), the result of the induced H on (0 ⟶ 1) p, where (0 ⟶ 1) denotes the path from 0 to 1 in I.

          It is clear that the diagram commutes (H₀ ≫ g(p) = d = f(p) ≫ H₁), but unfortunately, many of the paths do not have defeq starting/ending points, so we end up needing some casting.

          def ContinuousMap.Homotopy.uliftMap {X Y : TopCat} {f g : C(X, Y)} (H : f.Homotopy g) :

          Interpret a homotopy H : C(I × X, Y) as a map C(ULift I × X, Y)

          Instances For
            theorem ContinuousMap.Homotopy.ulift_apply {X Y : TopCat} {f g : C(X, Y)} (H : f.Homotopy g) (i : ULift.{u, 0} unitInterval) (x : X) :
            H.uliftMap (i, x) = H (i.down, x)
            @[reducible, inline]

            An abbreviation for prodToProdTop, with some types already in place to help the typechecker. In particular, the first path should be on the ulifted unit interval.

            Instances For

              The diagonal path, but starting from f x₀ and going to g x₁

              Instances For

                Given a homotopy H : f ∼ g, we have an associated natural isomorphism between the induced functors f and g

                Instances For

                  Homotopy equivalent topological spaces have equivalent fundamental groupoids.

                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                  Instances For