Further basic lemmas about asymptotics #
Alias of the reverse direction of Asymptotics.isBigO_one_iff
The condition f = O[𝓝[≠] a] 1
is equivalent to f = O[𝓝 a] 1
(fun x ↦ c) =O[l] f
if and only if f
is bounded away from zero.
Multiplication #
Scalar multiplication #
Relation between f = o(g)
and f / g → 0
Alias of the reverse direction of Asymptotics.isLittleO_iff_tendsto'
Alias of the reverse direction of Asymptotics.isLittleO_iff_tendsto
Equivalent definitions of the form ∃ φ, u =ᶠ[l] φ * v
in a NormedField
. #
If ‖φ‖
is eventually bounded by c
, and u =ᶠ[l] φ * v
, then we have IsBigOWith c u v l
This does not require any assumptions on c
, which is why we keep this version along with
Alias of the forward direction of Asymptotics.isBigO_iff_exists_eq_mul
Alias of the forward direction of Asymptotics.isLittleO_iff_exists_eq_mul
Miscellaneous lemmas #
If f x = O(g x)
along cofinite
, then there exists a positive constant C
such that
‖f x‖ ≤ C * ‖g x‖
whenever g x ≠ 0
Transfer IsBigOWith
over a PartialHomeomorph
Transfer IsBigO
over a PartialHomeomorph
Transfer IsLittleO
over a PartialHomeomorph
Transfer IsBigOWith
over a Homeomorph
The (scalar) product of a sequence that tends to zero with a bounded one also tends to zero.