

Further basic lemmas about asymptotics #

theorem Asymptotics.isBigOWith_principal {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} {F : Type u_4} [Norm E] [Norm F] {c : } {f : αE} {g : αF} {s : Set α} :
IsBigOWith c (Filter.principal s) f g xs, f x c * g x
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_principal {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} {F : Type u_4} [Norm E] [Norm F] {f : αE} {g : αF} {s : Set α} :
f =O[Filter.principal s] g ∃ (c : ), xs, f x c * g x
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_principal {α : Type u_1} {F' : Type u_7} {E'' : Type u_9} [SeminormedAddCommGroup F'] [NormedAddCommGroup E''] {g' : αF'} {f'' : αE''} {s : Set α} :
f'' =o[Filter.principal s] g' xs, f'' x = 0
theorem Asymptotics.isBigOWith_top {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} {F : Type u_4} [Norm E] [Norm F] {c : } {f : αE} {g : αF} :
IsBigOWith c f g ∀ (x : α), f x c * g x
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_top {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} {F : Type u_4} [Norm E] [Norm F] {f : αE} {g : αF} :
f =O[] g ∃ (C : ), ∀ (x : α), f x C * g x
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_top {α : Type u_1} {F' : Type u_7} {E'' : Type u_9} [SeminormedAddCommGroup F'] [NormedAddCommGroup E''] {g' : αF'} {f'' : αE''} :
f'' =o[] g' ∀ (x : α), f'' x = 0
theorem Asymptotics.isBigOWith_const_one {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} (F : Type u_4) [Norm E] [Norm F] [One F] [NormOneClass F] (c : E) (l : Filter α) :
IsBigOWith c l (fun (_x : α) => c) fun (_x : α) => 1
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_const_one {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} (F : Type u_4) [Norm E] [Norm F] [One F] [NormOneClass F] (c : E) (l : Filter α) :
(fun (_x : α) => c) =O[l] fun (_x : α) => 1
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_const_iff_isLittleO_one {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} (F : Type u_4) {F'' : Type u_10} [Norm E] [Norm F] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] {f : αE} {l : Filter α} [One F] [NormOneClass F] {c : F''} (hc : c 0) :
(f =o[l] fun (_x : α) => c) f =o[l] fun (_x : α) => 1
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_one_iff {α : Type u_1} (F : Type u_4) {E''' : Type u_12} [Norm F] [SeminormedAddGroup E'''] {l : Filter α} [One F] [NormOneClass F] {f : αE'''} :
(f =o[l] fun (_x : α) => 1) Filter.Tendsto f l (nhds 0)
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_one_iff {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} (F : Type u_4) [Norm E] [Norm F] {f : αE} {l : Filter α} [One F] [NormOneClass F] :
(f =O[l] fun (_x : α) => 1) Filter.IsBoundedUnder (fun (x1 x2 : ) => x1 x2) l fun (x : α) => f x
theorem Filter.IsBoundedUnder.isBigO_one {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} (F : Type u_4) [Norm E] [Norm F] {f : αE} {l : Filter α} [One F] [NormOneClass F] :
(IsBoundedUnder (fun (x1 x2 : ) => x1 x2) l fun (x : α) => f x)f =O[l] fun (_x : α) => 1

Alias of the reverse direction of Asymptotics.isBigO_one_iff.

theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_one_left_iff {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} (F : Type u_4) [Norm E] [Norm F] {f : αE} {l : Filter α} [One F] [NormOneClass F] :
(fun (_x : α) => 1) =o[l] f Filter.Tendsto (fun (x : α) => f x) l Filter.atTop
theorem Filter.Tendsto.isBigO_one {α : Type u_1} (F : Type u_4) {E' : Type u_6} [Norm F] [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] {f' : αE'} {l : Filter α} [One F] [NormOneClass F] {c : E'} (h : Tendsto f' l (nhds c)) :
f' =O[l] fun (_x : α) => 1
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigO.trans_tendsto_nhds {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} (F : Type u_4) {F' : Type u_7} [Norm E] [Norm F] [SeminormedAddCommGroup F'] {f : αE} {g' : αF'} {l : Filter α} [One F] [NormOneClass F] (hfg : f =O[l] g') {y : F'} (hg : Filter.Tendsto g' l (nhds y)) :
f =O[l] fun (_x : α) => 1
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_one_nhds_ne_iff {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} (F : Type u_4) [Norm E] [Norm F] {f : αE} [One F] [NormOneClass F] [TopologicalSpace α] {a : α} :
(f =O[nhdsWithin a {a}] fun (x : α) => 1) f =O[nhds a] fun (x : α) => 1

The condition f = O[𝓝[≠] a] 1 is equivalent to f = O[𝓝 a] 1.

theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_const_iff {α : Type u_1} {E'' : Type u_9} {F'' : Type u_10} [NormedAddCommGroup E''] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] {f'' : αE''} {l : Filter α} {c : F''} (hc : c 0) :
(f'' =o[l] fun (_x : α) => c) Filter.Tendsto f'' l (nhds 0)
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_id_const {E'' : Type u_9} {F'' : Type u_10} [NormedAddCommGroup E''] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] {c : F''} (hc : c 0) :
(fun (x : E'') => x) =o[nhds 0] fun (_x : E'') => c
theorem Filter.IsBoundedUnder.isBigO_const {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} {F'' : Type u_10} [Norm E] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] {f : αE} {l : Filter α} (h : IsBoundedUnder (fun (x1 x2 : ) => x1 x2) l (norm f)) {c : F''} (hc : c 0) :
f =O[l] fun (_x : α) => c
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_const_of_tendsto {α : Type u_1} {E'' : Type u_9} {F'' : Type u_10} [NormedAddCommGroup E''] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] {f'' : αE''} {l : Filter α} {y : E''} (h : Filter.Tendsto f'' l (nhds y)) {c : F''} (hc : c 0) :
f'' =O[l] fun (_x : α) => c
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigO.isBoundedUnder_le {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} {F : Type u_4} [Norm E] [Norm F] {f : αE} {l : Filter α} {c : F} (h : f =O[l] fun (_x : α) => c) :
Filter.IsBoundedUnder (fun (x1 x2 : ) => x1 x2) l (norm f)
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_const_of_ne {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} {F'' : Type u_10} [Norm E] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] {f : αE} {l : Filter α} {c : F''} (hc : c 0) :
(f =O[l] fun (_x : α) => c) Filter.IsBoundedUnder (fun (x1 x2 : ) => x1 x2) l (norm f)
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_const_iff {α : Type u_1} {E'' : Type u_9} {F'' : Type u_10} [NormedAddCommGroup E''] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] {f'' : αE''} {l : Filter α} {c : F''} :
(f'' =O[l] fun (_x : α) => c) (c = 0f'' =ᶠ[l] 0) Filter.IsBoundedUnder (fun (x1 x2 : ) => x1 x2) l fun (x : α) => f'' x
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_iff_isBoundedUnder_le_div {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} {F'' : Type u_10} [Norm E] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] {f : αE} {g'' : αF''} {l : Filter α} (h : ∀ᶠ (x : α) in l, g'' x 0) :
f =O[l] g'' Filter.IsBoundedUnder (fun (x1 x2 : ) => x1 x2) l fun (x : α) => f x / g'' x
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_const_left_iff_pos_le_norm {α : Type u_1} {E' : Type u_6} {E'' : Type u_9} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] [NormedAddCommGroup E''] {f' : αE'} {l : Filter α} {c : E''} (hc : c 0) :
(fun (_x : α) => c) =O[l] f' ∃ (b : ), 0 < b ∀ᶠ (x : α) in l, b f' x

(fun x ↦ c) =O[l] f if and only if f is bounded away from zero.

theorem Asymptotics.IsBigO.trans_tendsto {α : Type u_1} {E'' : Type u_9} {F'' : Type u_10} [NormedAddCommGroup E''] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] {f'' : αE''} {g'' : αF''} {l : Filter α} (hfg : f'' =O[l] g'') (hg : Filter.Tendsto g'' l (nhds 0)) :
theorem Asymptotics.IsLittleO.trans_tendsto {α : Type u_1} {E'' : Type u_9} {F'' : Type u_10} [NormedAddCommGroup E''] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] {f'' : αE''} {g'' : αF''} {l : Filter α} (hfg : f'' =o[l] g'') (hg : Filter.Tendsto g'' l (nhds 0)) :
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_id_one {E'' : Type u_9} {F'' : Type u_10} [NormedAddCommGroup E''] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] [One F''] [NeZero 1] :
(fun (x : E'') => x) =o[nhds 0] 1
theorem Asymptotics.continuousAt_iff_isLittleO {α : Type u_17} {E : Type u_18} [NormedRing E] [NormOneClass E] [TopologicalSpace α] {f : αE} {x : α} :
ContinuousAt f x (fun (y : α) => f y - f x) =o[nhds x] fun (x : α) => 1

Multiplication #

theorem Asymptotics.IsBigO.of_pow {α : Type u_1} {R : Type u_13} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [SeminormedRing R] [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {l : Filter α} {f : α𝕜} {g : αR} {n : } (hn : n 0) (h : (f ^ n) =O[l] (g ^ n)) :
f =O[l] g

Scalar multiplication #

theorem Asymptotics.IsBigOWith.const_smul_self {α : Type u_1} {E' : Type u_6} {R : Type u_13} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] [SeminormedRing R] {f' : αE'} {l : Filter α} [Module R E'] [IsBoundedSMul R E'] (c' : R) :
IsBigOWith c' l (fun (x : α) => c' f' x) f'
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigO.const_smul_self {α : Type u_1} {E' : Type u_6} {R : Type u_13} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] [SeminormedRing R] {f' : αE'} {l : Filter α} [Module R E'] [IsBoundedSMul R E'] (c' : R) :
(fun (x : α) => c' f' x) =O[l] f'
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigOWith.const_smul_left {α : Type u_1} {F : Type u_4} {E' : Type u_6} {R : Type u_13} [Norm F] [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] [SeminormedRing R] {c : } {g : αF} {f' : αE'} {l : Filter α} [Module R E'] [IsBoundedSMul R E'] (h : IsBigOWith c l f' g) (c' : R) :
IsBigOWith (c' * c) l (fun (x : α) => c' f' x) g
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigO.const_smul_left {α : Type u_1} {F : Type u_4} {E' : Type u_6} {R : Type u_13} [Norm F] [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] [SeminormedRing R] {g : αF} {f' : αE'} {l : Filter α} [Module R E'] [IsBoundedSMul R E'] (h : f' =O[l] g) (c : R) :
(c f') =O[l] g
theorem Asymptotics.IsLittleO.const_smul_left {α : Type u_1} {F : Type u_4} {E' : Type u_6} {R : Type u_13} [Norm F] [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] [SeminormedRing R] {g : αF} {f' : αE'} {l : Filter α} [Module R E'] [IsBoundedSMul R E'] (h : f' =o[l] g) (c : R) :
(c f') =o[l] g
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_const_smul_left {α : Type u_1} {F : Type u_4} {E' : Type u_6} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [Norm F] [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {g : αF} {f' : αE'} {l : Filter α} [Module 𝕜 E'] [IsBoundedSMul 𝕜 E'] {c : 𝕜} (hc : c 0) :
(fun (x : α) => c f' x) =O[l] g f' =O[l] g
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_const_smul_left {α : Type u_1} {F : Type u_4} {E' : Type u_6} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [Norm F] [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {g : αF} {f' : αE'} {l : Filter α} [Module 𝕜 E'] [IsBoundedSMul 𝕜 E'] {c : 𝕜} (hc : c 0) :
(fun (x : α) => c f' x) =o[l] g f' =o[l] g
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_const_smul_right {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} {E' : Type u_6} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [Norm E] [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {f : αE} {f' : αE'} {l : Filter α} [Module 𝕜 E'] [IsBoundedSMul 𝕜 E'] {c : 𝕜} (hc : c 0) :
(f =O[l] fun (x : α) => c f' x) f =O[l] f'
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_const_smul_right {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} {E' : Type u_6} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [Norm E] [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {f : αE} {f' : αE'} {l : Filter α} [Module 𝕜 E'] [IsBoundedSMul 𝕜 E'] {c : 𝕜} (hc : c 0) :
(f =o[l] fun (x : α) => c f' x) f =o[l] f'
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigOWith.smul {α : Type u_1} {E' : Type u_6} {F' : Type u_7} {R : Type u_13} {𝕜' : Type u_16} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] [SeminormedAddCommGroup F'] [SeminormedRing R] [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜'] {c c' : } {f' : αE'} {g' : αF'} {l : Filter α} [Module R E'] [IsBoundedSMul R E'] [Module 𝕜' F'] [IsBoundedSMul 𝕜' F'] {k₁ : αR} {k₂ : α𝕜'} (h₁ : IsBigOWith c l k₁ k₂) (h₂ : IsBigOWith c' l f' g') :
IsBigOWith (c * c') l (fun (x : α) => k₁ x f' x) fun (x : α) => k₂ x g' x
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigO.smul {α : Type u_1} {E' : Type u_6} {F' : Type u_7} {R : Type u_13} {𝕜' : Type u_16} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] [SeminormedAddCommGroup F'] [SeminormedRing R] [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜'] {f' : αE'} {g' : αF'} {l : Filter α} [Module R E'] [IsBoundedSMul R E'] [Module 𝕜' F'] [IsBoundedSMul 𝕜' F'] {k₁ : αR} {k₂ : α𝕜'} (h₁ : k₁ =O[l] k₂) (h₂ : f' =O[l] g') :
(fun (x : α) => k₁ x f' x) =O[l] fun (x : α) => k₂ x g' x
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigO.smul_isLittleO {α : Type u_1} {E' : Type u_6} {F' : Type u_7} {R : Type u_13} {𝕜' : Type u_16} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] [SeminormedAddCommGroup F'] [SeminormedRing R] [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜'] {f' : αE'} {g' : αF'} {l : Filter α} [Module R E'] [IsBoundedSMul R E'] [Module 𝕜' F'] [IsBoundedSMul 𝕜' F'] {k₁ : αR} {k₂ : α𝕜'} (h₁ : k₁ =O[l] k₂) (h₂ : f' =o[l] g') :
(fun (x : α) => k₁ x f' x) =o[l] fun (x : α) => k₂ x g' x
theorem Asymptotics.IsLittleO.smul_isBigO {α : Type u_1} {E' : Type u_6} {F' : Type u_7} {R : Type u_13} {𝕜' : Type u_16} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] [SeminormedAddCommGroup F'] [SeminormedRing R] [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜'] {f' : αE'} {g' : αF'} {l : Filter α} [Module R E'] [IsBoundedSMul R E'] [Module 𝕜' F'] [IsBoundedSMul 𝕜' F'] {k₁ : αR} {k₂ : α𝕜'} (h₁ : k₁ =o[l] k₂) (h₂ : f' =O[l] g') :
(fun (x : α) => k₁ x f' x) =o[l] fun (x : α) => k₂ x g' x
theorem Asymptotics.IsLittleO.smul {α : Type u_1} {E' : Type u_6} {F' : Type u_7} {R : Type u_13} {𝕜' : Type u_16} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] [SeminormedAddCommGroup F'] [SeminormedRing R] [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜'] {f' : αE'} {g' : αF'} {l : Filter α} [Module R E'] [IsBoundedSMul R E'] [Module 𝕜' F'] [IsBoundedSMul 𝕜' F'] {k₁ : αR} {k₂ : α𝕜'} (h₁ : k₁ =o[l] k₂) (h₂ : f' =o[l] g') :
(fun (x : α) => k₁ x f' x) =o[l] fun (x : α) => k₂ x g' x
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigO.listProd {α : Type u_1} {R : Type u_13} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [SeminormedRing R] [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {l : Filter α} {ι : Type u_17} {L : List ι} {f : ιαR} {g : ια𝕜} (hf : iL, f i =O[l] g i) :
(fun (x : α) => ( (fun (x_1 : ι) => f x_1 x) L).prod) =O[l] fun (x : α) => ( (fun (x_1 : ι) => g x_1 x) L).prod
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigO.multisetProd {α : Type u_1} {l : Filter α} {ι : Type u_17} {R : Type u_18} {𝕜 : Type u_19} [SeminormedCommRing R] [NormedField 𝕜] {s : Multiset ι} {f : ιαR} {g : ια𝕜} (hf : is, f i =O[l] g i) :
(fun (x : α) => ( (fun (x_1 : ι) => f x_1 x) s).prod) =O[l] fun (x : α) => ( (fun (x_1 : ι) => g x_1 x) s).prod
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigO.finsetProd {α : Type u_1} {l : Filter α} {ι : Type u_17} {R : Type u_18} {𝕜 : Type u_19} [SeminormedCommRing R] [NormedField 𝕜] {s : Finset ι} {f : ιαR} {g : ια𝕜} (hf : is, f i =O[l] g i) :
(fun (x : α) => is, f i x) =O[l] fun (x : α) => is, g i x
theorem Asymptotics.IsLittleO.listProd {α : Type u_1} {R : Type u_13} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [SeminormedRing R] [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {l : Filter α} {ι : Type u_17} {L : List ι} {f : ιαR} {g : ια𝕜} (h₁ : iL, f i =O[l] g i) (h₂ : iL, f i =o[l] g i) :
(fun (x : α) => ( (fun (x_1 : ι) => f x_1 x) L).prod) =o[l] fun (x : α) => ( (fun (x_1 : ι) => g x_1 x) L).prod
theorem Asymptotics.IsLittleO.multisetProd {α : Type u_1} {l : Filter α} {ι : Type u_17} {R : Type u_18} {𝕜 : Type u_19} [SeminormedCommRing R] [NormedField 𝕜] {s : Multiset ι} {f : ιαR} {g : ια𝕜} (h₁ : is, f i =O[l] g i) (h₂ : is, f i =o[l] g i) :
(fun (x : α) => ( (fun (x_1 : ι) => f x_1 x) s).prod) =o[l] fun (x : α) => ( (fun (x_1 : ι) => g x_1 x) s).prod
theorem Asymptotics.IsLittleO.finsetProd {α : Type u_1} {l : Filter α} {ι : Type u_17} {R : Type u_18} {𝕜 : Type u_19} [SeminormedCommRing R] [NormedField 𝕜] {s : Finset ι} {f : ιαR} {g : ια𝕜} (h₁ : is, f i =O[l] g i) (h₂ : is, f i =o[l] g i) :
(fun (x : α) => is, f i x) =o[l] fun (x : α) => is, g i x

Relation between f = o(g) and f / g → 0 #

theorem Asymptotics.IsLittleO.tendsto_div_nhds_zero {α : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {l : Filter α} {f g : α𝕜} (h : f =o[l] g) :
Filter.Tendsto (fun (x : α) => f x / g x) l (nhds 0)
theorem Asymptotics.IsLittleO.tendsto_inv_smul_nhds_zero {α : Type u_1} {E' : Type u_6} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] [Module 𝕜 E'] [IsBoundedSMul 𝕜 E'] {f : αE'} {g : α𝕜} {l : Filter α} (h : f =o[l] g) :
Filter.Tendsto (fun (x : α) => (g x)⁻¹ f x) l (nhds 0)
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_iff_tendsto' {α : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {l : Filter α} {f g : α𝕜} (hgf : ∀ᶠ (x : α) in l, g x = 0f x = 0) :
f =o[l] g Filter.Tendsto (fun (x : α) => f x / g x) l (nhds 0)
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_iff_tendsto {α : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {l : Filter α} {f g : α𝕜} (hgf : ∀ (x : α), g x = 0f x = 0) :
f =o[l] g Filter.Tendsto (fun (x : α) => f x / g x) l (nhds 0)
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_of_tendsto' {α : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {l : Filter α} {f g : α𝕜} (hgf : ∀ᶠ (x : α) in l, g x = 0f x = 0) :
Filter.Tendsto (fun (x : α) => f x / g x) l (nhds 0)f =o[l] g

Alias of the reverse direction of Asymptotics.isLittleO_iff_tendsto'.

theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_of_tendsto {α : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {l : Filter α} {f g : α𝕜} (hgf : ∀ (x : α), g x = 0f x = 0) :
Filter.Tendsto (fun (x : α) => f x / g x) l (nhds 0)f =o[l] g

Alias of the reverse direction of Asymptotics.isLittleO_iff_tendsto.

theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_const_left_of_ne {α : Type u_1} {F : Type u_4} {E'' : Type u_9} [Norm F] [NormedAddCommGroup E''] {g : αF} {l : Filter α} {c : E''} (hc : c 0) :
(fun (_x : α) => c) =o[l] g Filter.Tendsto (fun (x : α) => g x) l Filter.atTop
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_const_left {α : Type u_1} {E'' : Type u_9} {F'' : Type u_10} [NormedAddCommGroup E''] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] {g'' : αF''} {l : Filter α} {c : E''} :
(fun (_x : α) => c) =o[l] g'' c = 0 Filter.Tendsto (norm g'') l Filter.atTop
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_const_const_iff {α : Type u_1} {E'' : Type u_9} {F'' : Type u_10} [NormedAddCommGroup E''] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] {l : Filter α} [l.NeBot] {d : E''} {c : F''} :
((fun (_x : α) => d) =o[l] fun (_x : α) => c) d = 0
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_pure {α : Type u_1} {E'' : Type u_9} {F'' : Type u_10} [NormedAddCommGroup E''] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] {f'' : αE''} {g'' : αF''} {x : α} :
f'' =o[pure x] g'' f'' x = 0
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_const_id_cobounded {E'' : Type u_9} {F'' : Type u_10} [NormedAddCommGroup E''] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] (c : F'') :
(fun (x : E'') => c) =o[Bornology.cobounded E''] id
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_const_id_atTop {E'' : Type u_9} [NormedAddCommGroup E''] (c : E'') :
(fun (_x : ) => c) =o[Filter.atTop] id
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_const_id_atBot {E'' : Type u_9} [NormedAddCommGroup E''] (c : E'') :
(fun (_x : ) => c) =o[Filter.atBot] id

Equivalent definitions of the form ∃ φ, u =ᶠ[l] φ * v in a NormedField. #

theorem Asymptotics.isBigOWith_of_eq_mul {α : Type u_1} {R : Type u_13} [SeminormedRing R] {c : } {l : Filter α} {u v : αR} (φ : αR) ( : ∀ᶠ (x : α) in l, φ x c) (h : u =ᶠ[l] φ * v) :
IsBigOWith c l u v

If ‖φ‖ is eventually bounded by c, and u =ᶠ[l] φ * v, then we have IsBigOWith c u v l. This does not require any assumptions on c, which is why we keep this version along with IsBigOWith_iff_exists_eq_mul.

theorem Asymptotics.isBigOWith_iff_exists_eq_mul {α : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {c : } {l : Filter α} {u v : α𝕜} (hc : 0 c) :
IsBigOWith c l u v ∃ (φ : α𝕜), (∀ᶠ (x : α) in l, φ x c) u =ᶠ[l] φ * v
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigOWith.exists_eq_mul {α : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {c : } {l : Filter α} {u v : α𝕜} (h : IsBigOWith c l u v) (hc : 0 c) :
∃ (φ : α𝕜), (∀ᶠ (x : α) in l, φ x c) u =ᶠ[l] φ * v
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_iff_exists_eq_mul {α : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {l : Filter α} {u v : α𝕜} :
u =O[l] v ∃ (φ : α𝕜), Filter.IsBoundedUnder (fun (x1 x2 : ) => x1 x2) l (norm φ) u =ᶠ[l] φ * v
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigO.exists_eq_mul {α : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {l : Filter α} {u v : α𝕜} :
u =O[l] v∃ (φ : α𝕜), Filter.IsBoundedUnder (fun (x1 x2 : ) => x1 x2) l (norm φ) u =ᶠ[l] φ * v

Alias of the forward direction of Asymptotics.isBigO_iff_exists_eq_mul.

theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_iff_exists_eq_mul {α : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {l : Filter α} {u v : α𝕜} :
u =o[l] v ∃ (φ : α𝕜), Filter.Tendsto φ l (nhds 0) u =ᶠ[l] φ * v
theorem Asymptotics.IsLittleO.exists_eq_mul {α : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {l : Filter α} {u v : α𝕜} :
u =o[l] v∃ (φ : α𝕜), Filter.Tendsto φ l (nhds 0) u =ᶠ[l] φ * v

Alias of the forward direction of Asymptotics.isLittleO_iff_exists_eq_mul.

Miscellaneous lemmas #

theorem Asymptotics.div_isBoundedUnder_of_isBigO {𝕜 : Type u_15} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {α : Type u_17} {l : Filter α} {f g : α𝕜} (h : f =O[l] g) :
Filter.IsBoundedUnder (fun (x1 x2 : ) => x1 x2) l fun (x : α) => f x / g x
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_iff_div_isBoundedUnder {𝕜 : Type u_15} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {α : Type u_17} {l : Filter α} {f g : α𝕜} (hgf : ∀ᶠ (x : α) in l, g x = 0f x = 0) :
f =O[l] g Filter.IsBoundedUnder (fun (x1 x2 : ) => x1 x2) l fun (x : α) => f x / g x
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_of_div_tendsto_nhds {𝕜 : Type u_15} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {α : Type u_17} {l : Filter α} {f g : α𝕜} (hgf : ∀ᶠ (x : α) in l, g x = 0f x = 0) (c : 𝕜) (H : Filter.Tendsto (f / g) l (nhds c)) :
f =O[l] g
theorem Asymptotics.IsLittleO.tendsto_zero_of_tendsto {α : Type u_17} {E : Type u_18} {𝕜 : Type u_19} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedField 𝕜] {u : αE} {v : α𝕜} {l : Filter α} {y : 𝕜} (huv : u =o[l] v) (hv : Filter.Tendsto v l (nhds y)) :
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_pow_pow {𝕜 : Type u_15} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {m n : } (h : m < n) :
(fun (x : 𝕜) => x ^ n) =o[nhds 0] fun (x : 𝕜) => x ^ m
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_norm_pow_norm_pow {E' : Type u_6} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] {m n : } (h : m < n) :
(fun (x : E') => x ^ n) =o[nhds 0] fun (x : E') => x ^ m
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_pow_id {𝕜 : Type u_15} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {n : } (h : 1 < n) :
(fun (x : 𝕜) => x ^ n) =o[nhds 0] fun (x : 𝕜) => x
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_norm_pow_id {E' : Type u_6} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] {n : } (h : 1 < n) :
(fun (x : E') => x ^ n) =o[nhds 0] fun (x : E') => x
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigO.eq_zero_of_norm_pow_within {E'' : Type u_9} {F'' : Type u_10} [NormedAddCommGroup E''] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] {f : E''F''} {s : Set E''} {x₀ : E''} {n : } (h : f =O[nhdsWithin x₀ s] fun (x : E'') => x - x₀ ^ n) (hx₀ : x₀ s) (hn : n 0) :
f x₀ = 0
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigO.eq_zero_of_norm_pow {E'' : Type u_9} {F'' : Type u_10} [NormedAddCommGroup E''] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] {f : E''F''} {x₀ : E''} {n : } (h : f =O[nhds x₀] fun (x : E'') => x - x₀ ^ n) (hn : n 0) :
f x₀ = 0
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_pow_sub_pow_sub {E' : Type u_6} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] (x₀ : E') {n m : } (h : n < m) :
(fun (x : E') => x - x₀ ^ m) =o[nhds x₀] fun (x : E') => x - x₀ ^ n
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_pow_sub_sub {E' : Type u_6} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] (x₀ : E') {m : } (h : 1 < m) :
(fun (x : E') => x - x₀ ^ m) =o[nhds x₀] fun (x : E') => x - x₀
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigOWith.right_le_sub_of_lt_one {α : Type u_1} {E' : Type u_6} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] {c : } {l : Filter α} {f₁ f₂ : αE'} (h : IsBigOWith c l f₁ f₂) (hc : c < 1) :
IsBigOWith (1 / (1 - c)) l f₂ fun (x : α) => f₂ x - f₁ x
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigOWith.right_le_add_of_lt_one {α : Type u_1} {E' : Type u_6} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] {c : } {l : Filter α} {f₁ f₂ : αE'} (h : IsBigOWith c l f₁ f₂) (hc : c < 1) :
IsBigOWith (1 / (1 - c)) l f₂ fun (x : α) => f₁ x + f₂ x
theorem Asymptotics.IsLittleO.right_isBigO_sub {α : Type u_1} {E' : Type u_6} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] {l : Filter α} {f₁ f₂ : αE'} (h : f₁ =o[l] f₂) :
f₂ =O[l] fun (x : α) => f₂ x - f₁ x
theorem Asymptotics.IsLittleO.right_isBigO_add {α : Type u_1} {E' : Type u_6} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] {l : Filter α} {f₁ f₂ : αE'} (h : f₁ =o[l] f₂) :
f₂ =O[l] fun (x : α) => f₁ x + f₂ x
theorem Asymptotics.IsLittleO.right_isBigO_add' {α : Type u_1} {E' : Type u_6} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E'] {l : Filter α} {f₁ f₂ : αE'} (h : f₁ =o[l] f₂) :
f₂ =O[l] (f₂ + f₁)
theorem Asymptotics.bound_of_isBigO_cofinite {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_3} {F'' : Type u_10} [Norm E] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] {f : αE} {g'' : αF''} (h : f =O[Filter.cofinite] g'') :
C > 0, ∀ ⦃x : α⦄, g'' x 0f x C * g'' x

If f x = O(g x) along cofinite, then there exists a positive constant C such that ‖f x‖ ≤ C * ‖g x‖ whenever g x ≠ 0.

theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_cofinite_iff {α : Type u_1} {E'' : Type u_9} {F'' : Type u_10} [NormedAddCommGroup E''] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] {f'' : αE''} {g'' : αF''} (h : ∀ (x : α), g'' x = 0f'' x = 0) :
f'' =O[Filter.cofinite] g'' ∃ (C : ), ∀ (x : α), f'' x C * g'' x
theorem Asymptotics.bound_of_isBigO_nat_atTop {E : Type u_3} {E'' : Type u_9} [Norm E] [NormedAddCommGroup E''] {f : E} {g'' : E''} (h : f =O[Filter.atTop] g'') :
C > 0, ∀ ⦃x : ⦄, g'' x 0f x C * g'' x
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_nat_atTop_iff {E'' : Type u_9} {F'' : Type u_10} [NormedAddCommGroup E''] [NormedAddCommGroup F''] {f : E''} {g : F''} (h : ∀ (x : ), g x = 0f x = 0) :
f =O[Filter.atTop] g ∃ (C : ), ∀ (x : ), f x C * g x
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_one_nat_atTop_iff {E'' : Type u_9} [NormedAddCommGroup E''] {f : E''} :
(f =O[Filter.atTop] fun (_n : ) => 1) ∃ (C : ), ∀ (n : ), f n C
theorem Asymptotics.isBigOWith_pi {α : Type u_1} {F' : Type u_7} [SeminormedAddCommGroup F'] {g' : αF'} {l : Filter α} {ι : Type u_17} [Fintype ι] {E' : ιType u_18} [(i : ι) → NormedAddCommGroup (E' i)] {f : α(i : ι) → E' i} {C : } (hC : 0 C) :
IsBigOWith C l f g' ∀ (i : ι), IsBigOWith C l (fun (x : α) => f x i) g'
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_pi {α : Type u_1} {F' : Type u_7} [SeminormedAddCommGroup F'] {g' : αF'} {l : Filter α} {ι : Type u_17} [Fintype ι] {E' : ιType u_18} [(i : ι) → NormedAddCommGroup (E' i)] {f : α(i : ι) → E' i} :
f =O[l] g' ∀ (i : ι), (fun (x : α) => f x i) =O[l] g'
theorem Asymptotics.isLittleO_pi {α : Type u_1} {F' : Type u_7} [SeminormedAddCommGroup F'] {g' : αF'} {l : Filter α} {ι : Type u_17} [Fintype ι] {E' : ιType u_18} [(i : ι) → NormedAddCommGroup (E' i)] {f : α(i : ι) → E' i} :
f =o[l] g' ∀ (i : ι), (fun (x : α) => f x i) =o[l] g'
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigO.natCast_atTop {E : Type u_3} {F : Type u_4} [Norm E] [Norm F] {R : Type u_17} [StrictOrderedSemiring R] [Archimedean R] {f : RE} {g : RF} (h : f =O[Filter.atTop] g) :
(fun (n : ) => f n) =O[Filter.atTop] fun (n : ) => g n
theorem Asymptotics.IsLittleO.natCast_atTop {E : Type u_3} {F : Type u_4} [Norm E] [Norm F] {R : Type u_17} [StrictOrderedSemiring R] [Archimedean R] {f : RE} {g : RF} (h : f =o[Filter.atTop] g) :
(fun (n : ) => f n) =o[Filter.atTop] fun (n : ) => g n
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_atTop_iff_eventually_exists {E : Type u_3} {F : Type u_4} [Norm E] [Norm F] {α : Type u_17} [SemilatticeSup α] [Nonempty α] {f : αE} {g : αF} :
f =O[Filter.atTop] g ∀ᶠ (n₀ : α) in Filter.atTop, ∃ (c : ), nn₀, f n c * g n
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_atTop_iff_eventually_exists_pos {G : Type u_5} {G' : Type u_8} [Norm G] [SeminormedAddCommGroup G'] {α : Type u_17} [SemilatticeSup α] [Nonempty α] {f : αG} {g : αG'} :
f =O[Filter.atTop] g ∀ᶠ (n₀ : α) in Filter.atTop, c > 0, nn₀, c * f n g n
theorem Asymptotics.isBigO_mul_iff_isBigO_div {α : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_15} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] {l : Filter α} {f g h : α𝕜} (hf : ∀ᶠ (x : α) in l, f x 0) :
(fun (x : α) => f x * g x) =O[l] h g =O[l] fun (x : α) => h x / f x
theorem summable_of_isBigO {ι : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E] [CompleteSpace E] {f : ιE} {g : ι} (hg : Summable g) (h : f =O[Filter.cofinite] g) :
theorem summable_of_isBigO_nat {E : Type u_1} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E] [CompleteSpace E] {f : E} {g : } (hg : Summable g) (h : f =O[Filter.atTop] g) :
theorem Asymptotics.IsBigO.comp_summable_norm {ι : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {F : Type u_3} [SeminormedAddCommGroup E] [SeminormedAddCommGroup F] {f : EF} {g : ιE} (hf : f =O[nhds 0] id) (hg : Summable fun (x : ι) => g x) :
Summable fun (x : ι) => f (g x)
theorem PartialHomeomorph.isBigOWith_congr {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [TopologicalSpace α] [TopologicalSpace β] {E : Type u_3} [Norm E] {F : Type u_4} [Norm F] (e : PartialHomeomorph α β) {b : β} (hb : b {f : βE} {g : βF} {C : } :
Asymptotics.IsBigOWith C (nhds b) f g Asymptotics.IsBigOWith C (nhds (e.symm b)) (f e) (g e)

Transfer IsBigOWith over a PartialHomeomorph.

theorem PartialHomeomorph.isBigO_congr {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [TopologicalSpace α] [TopologicalSpace β] {E : Type u_3} [Norm E] {F : Type u_4} [Norm F] (e : PartialHomeomorph α β) {b : β} (hb : b {f : βE} {g : βF} :
f =O[nhds b] g (f e) =O[nhds (e.symm b)] (g e)

Transfer IsBigO over a PartialHomeomorph.

theorem PartialHomeomorph.isLittleO_congr {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [TopologicalSpace α] [TopologicalSpace β] {E : Type u_3} [Norm E] {F : Type u_4} [Norm F] (e : PartialHomeomorph α β) {b : β} (hb : b {f : βE} {g : βF} :
f =o[nhds b] g (f e) =o[nhds (e.symm b)] (g e)

Transfer IsLittleO over a PartialHomeomorph.

theorem Homeomorph.isBigOWith_congr {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [TopologicalSpace α] [TopologicalSpace β] {E : Type u_3} [Norm E] {F : Type u_4} [Norm F] (e : α ≃ₜ β) {b : β} {f : βE} {g : βF} {C : } :
Asymptotics.IsBigOWith C (nhds b) f g Asymptotics.IsBigOWith C (nhds (e.symm b)) (f e) (g e)

Transfer IsBigOWith over a Homeomorph.

theorem Homeomorph.isBigO_congr {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [TopologicalSpace α] [TopologicalSpace β] {E : Type u_3} [Norm E] {F : Type u_4} [Norm F] (e : α ≃ₜ β) {b : β} {f : βE} {g : βF} :
f =O[nhds b] g (f e) =O[nhds (e.symm b)] (g e)

Transfer IsBigO over a Homeomorph.

theorem Homeomorph.isLittleO_congr {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [TopologicalSpace α] [TopologicalSpace β] {E : Type u_3} [Norm E] {F : Type u_4} [Norm F] (e : α ≃ₜ β) {b : β} {f : βE} {g : βF} :
f =o[nhds b] g (f e) =o[nhds (e.symm b)] (g e)

Transfer IsLittleO over a Homeomorph.

theorem ContinuousOn.isBigOWith_principal {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {F : Type u_3} [TopologicalSpace α] {s : Set α} {f : αE} {c : F} [SeminormedAddGroup E] [Norm F] (hf : ContinuousOn f s) (hs : IsCompact s) (hc : c 0) :
Asymptotics.IsBigOWith (sSup (Norm.norm '' (f '' s)) / c) (Filter.principal s) f fun (x : α) => c
theorem ContinuousOn.isBigO_principal {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {F : Type u_3} [TopologicalSpace α] {s : Set α} {f : αE} {c : F} [SeminormedAddGroup E] [Norm F] (hf : ContinuousOn f s) (hs : IsCompact s) (hc : c 0) :
f =O[Filter.principal s] fun (x : α) => c
theorem ContinuousOn.isBigOWith_rev_principal {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {F : Type u_3} [TopologicalSpace α] {s : Set α} {f : αE} [NormedAddGroup E] [SeminormedAddGroup F] (hf : ContinuousOn f s) (hs : IsCompact s) (hC : is, f i 0) (c : F) :
Asymptotics.IsBigOWith (c / sInf (Norm.norm '' (f '' s))) (Filter.principal s) (fun (x : α) => c) f
theorem ContinuousOn.isBigO_rev_principal {α : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} {F : Type u_3} [TopologicalSpace α] {s : Set α} {f : αE} [NormedAddGroup E] [SeminormedAddGroup F] (hf : ContinuousOn f s) (hs : IsCompact s) (hC : is, f i 0) (c : F) :
(fun (x : α) => c) =O[Filter.principal s] f
theorem NormedField.tendsto_zero_smul_of_tendsto_zero_of_bounded {ι : Type u_1} {𝕜 : Type u_2} {𝔸 : Type u_3} [NormedDivisionRing 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup 𝔸] [Module 𝕜 𝔸] [IsBoundedSMul 𝕜 𝔸] {l : Filter ι} {ε : ι𝕜} {f : ι𝔸} ( : Filter.Tendsto ε l (nhds 0)) (hf : Filter.IsBoundedUnder (fun (x1 x2 : ) => x1 x2) l (norm f)) :
Filter.Tendsto (ε f) l (nhds 0)

The (scalar) product of a sequence that tends to zero with a bounded one also tends to zero.