Restriction of the continuous functional calculus to a scalar subring #
The main declaration in this file is:
: builds a continuous functional calculus over a subring of scalars. This is use for automatically deriving the continuous functional calculi on selfadjoint or positive elements from the one for normal elements.
This will allow us to take an instance of the
ContinuousFunctionalCalculus ℂ A IsStarNormal
and produce both of the instances
ContinuousFunctionalCalculus ℝ A IsSelfAdjoint
and ContinuousFunctionalCalculus ℝ≥0 A (0 ≤ ·)
simply by proving:
IsSelfAdjoint x ↔ IsStarNormal x ∧ SpectrumRestricts x
,0 ≤ x ↔ IsSelfAdjoint x ∧ SpectrumRestricts Real.toNNReal x
The homeomorphism spectrum S a ≃ₜ spectrum R a
induced by SpectrumRestricts a f
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Instances For
If the spectrum of an element restricts to a smaller scalar ring, then a continuous functional calculus over the larger scalar ring descends to the smaller one.
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Instances For
Given a ContinuousFunctionalCalculus S A q
. If we form the predicate p
for a : A
characterized by: q a
and the spectrum of a
restricts to the scalar subring R
f : C(S, R)
, then we can get a restricted functional calculus
ContinuousFunctionalCalculus R A p
The homeomorphism quasispectrum S a ≃ₜ quasispectrum R a
induced by
QuasispectrumRestricts a f
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Instances For
If the quasispectrum of an element restricts to a smaller scalar ring, then a non-unital continuous functional calculus over the larger scalar ring descends to the smaller one.
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Instances For
Alias of QuasispectrumRestricts.isClosedEmbedding_nonUnitalStarAlgHom
Given a NonUnitalContinuousFunctionalCalculus S A q
. If we form the predicate p
for a : A
characterized by: q a
and the quasispectrum of a
restricts to the scalar subring R
f : C(S, R)
, then we can get a restricted functional calculus
NonUnitalContinuousFunctionalCalculus R A p