Topological (sub)algebras #
A topological algebra over a topological semiring R
is a topological semiring with a compatible
continuous scalar multiplication by elements of R
. We reuse typeclass ContinuousSMul
topological algebras.
Results #
The topological closure of a subalgebra is still a subalgebra, which as an algebra is a topological algebra.
In this file we define continuous algebra homomorphisms, as algebra homomorphisms between
topological (semi-)rings which are continuous. The set of continuous algebra homomorphisms between
the topological R
-algebras A
and B
is denoted by A →A[R] B
TODO: add continuous algebra isomorphisms.
The inclusion of the base ring in a topological algebra as a continuous linear map.
- algebraMapCLM R A = { toFun := ⇑(algebraMap R A), map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯, cont := ⋯ }
Instances For
If R
is a discrete topological ring, then any topological ring S
which is an R
is also a topological R
NB: This could be an instance but the signature makes it very expensive in search. See for the regressions caused by making this an instance.
Continuous algebra homomorphisms between algebras. We only put the type classes that are
necessary for the definition, although in applications M
and B
will be topological algebras
over the topological ring R
- toFun : A → B
- cont : Continuous (↑↑self.toRingHom).toFun
Instances For
Continuous algebra homomorphisms between algebras. We only put the type classes that are
necessary for the definition, although in applications M
and B
will be topological algebras
over the topological ring R
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Instances For
- ContinuousAlgHom.instFunLike = { coe := fun (f : A →A[R] B) => ⇑f.toAlgHom, coe_injective' := ⋯ }
See Note [custom simps projection]. We need to specify this projection explicitly in this case, because it is a composition of multiple projections.
Instances For
See Note [custom simps projection].
Instances For
Copy of a ContinuousAlgHom
with a new toFun
equal to the old one. Useful to fix
definitional equalities.
Instances For
Any two continuous R
-algebra morphisms from R
are equal
If two continuous algebra maps are equal on a set s
, then they are equal on the closure
of the Algebra.adjoin
of this set.
If the subalgebra generated by a set s
is dense in the ambient module, then two continuous
algebra maps equal on s
are equal.
The topological closure of a subalgebra
- s.topologicalClosure = { toSubsemiring := s.topologicalClosure, algebraMap_mem' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Under a continuous algebra map, the image of the TopologicalClosure
of a subalgebra is
contained in the TopologicalClosure
of its image.
Under a dense continuous algebra map, a subalgebra
whose TopologicalClosure
is ⊤
is sent to another such submodule.
That is, the image of a dense subalgebra under a map with dense range is dense.
The identity map as a continuous algebra homomorphism.
- R A = { toAlgHom := R A, cont := ⋯ }
Instances For
- ContinuousAlgHom.instOne R A = { one := R A }
Composition of continuous algebra homomorphisms.
Instances For
- ContinuousAlgHom.instMul = { mul := ContinuousAlgHom.comp }
coercion from ContinuousAlgHom
to AlgHom
as a RingHom
- ContinuousAlgHom.toAlgHomMonoidHom = { toFun := AlgHomClass.toAlgHom, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The cartesian product of two continuous algebra morphisms as a continuous algebra morphism.
Instances For
as a ContinuousAlgHom
- ContinuousAlgHom.fst R A B = { toAlgHom := AlgHom.fst R A B, cont := ⋯ }
Instances For
as a ContinuousAlgHom
- ContinuousAlgHom.snd R A B = { toAlgHom := AlgHom.snd R A B, cont := ⋯ }
Instances For
of two continuous algebra homomorphisms.
- f₁.prodMap f₂ = (f₁.comp (ContinuousAlgHom.fst R A C)).prod (f₂.comp (ContinuousAlgHom.snd R A C))
Instances For
as an Equiv
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Instances For
Restrict codomain of a continuous algebra morphism.
- f.codRestrict p h = { toAlgHom := (↑f).codRestrict p h, cont := ⋯ }
Instances For
Restrict the codomain of a continuous algebra homomorphism f
to f.range
- f.rangeRestrict = f.codRestrict (↑f).range ⋯
Instances For
as a ContinuousAlgHom
Instances For
If A
is an R
-algebra, then a continuous A
-algebra morphism can be interpreted as a
continuous R
-algebra morphism.
- ContinuousAlgHom.restrictScalars R f = { toAlgHom := AlgHom.restrictScalars R ↑f, cont := ⋯ }
Instances For
If a subalgebra of a topological algebra is commutative, then so is its topological closure.
See note [reducible non-instances].
Instances For
This is really a statement about topological algebra isomorphisms, but we don't have those, so we use the clunky approach of talking about an algebra homomorphism, and a separate homeomorphism, along with a witness that as functions they are the same.
The topological closure of the subalgebra generated by a single element.
- Algebra.elemental R x = (Algebra.adjoin R {x}).topologicalClosure
Instances For
Alias of Algebra.elemental
The topological closure of the subalgebra generated by a single element.
Instances For
Alias of Algebra.elemental.self_mem
The coercion from an elemental algebra to the full algebra is a IsClosedEmbedding
If a subalgebra of a topological algebra is commutative, then so is its topological closure. See note [reducible non-instances].