

Angle between complex numbers #

This file relates the Euclidean geometric notion of angle between complex numbers to the argument of their quotient.

It also shows that the arc and chord distances between two unit complex numbers are equivalent up to a factor of π / 2.


Prove the corresponding results for oriented angles.

Tags #

arc-length, arc-distance

theorem Complex.angle_eq_abs_arg {x y : } (hx : x 0) (hy : y 0) :

The angle between two non-zero complex numbers is the absolute value of the argument of their quotient.

Note that this does not hold when x or y is 0 as the LHS is π / 2 while the RHS is 0.

theorem Complex.angle_mul_left {a : } (ha : a 0) (x y : ) :
theorem Complex.angle_mul_right {a : } (ha : a 0) (x y : ) :

Arc-length and chord-length are equivalent #

This section shows that the arc and chord distances between two unit complex numbers are equivalent up to a factor of π / 2.

Chord-length is a multiple of arc-length up to constants.

theorem Complex.norm_sub_le_angle {x y : } (hx : x = 1) (hy : y = 1) :

Chord-length is always less than arc-length.

Chord-length is always greater than a multiple of arc-length.

Arc-length is always less than a multiple of chord-length.