

Conformal maps between complex vector spaces #

We prove the sufficient and necessary conditions for a real-linear map between complex vector spaces to be conformal.

Main results #

Warning #

Antiholomorphic functions such as the complex conjugate are considered as conformal functions in this file.


theorem isConformalMap_conj :
IsConformalMap { toLinearEquiv := Complex.conjLIE.toLinearEquiv, continuous_toFun := , continuous_invFun := }

A real continuous linear map on the complex plane is conformal if and only if the map or its conjugate is complex linear, and the map is nonvanishing.

Conformality of real-differentiable complex maps #

theorem DifferentiableAt.conformalAt {E : Type u_1} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace E] {z : } {f : E} (h : DifferentiableAt f z) (hf' : deriv f z 0) :

A real differentiable function of the complex plane into some complex normed space E is conformal at a point z if it is holomorphic at that point with a nonvanishing differential. This is a version of the Cauchy-Riemann equations.

A complex function is conformal if and only if the function is holomorphic or antiholomorphic with a nonvanishing differential.