Absolutely convex sets #
A set s
in an commutative monoid E
is called absolutely convex or disked if it is convex and
balanced. The importance of absolutely convex sets comes from the fact that every locally convex
topological vector space has a basis consisting of absolutely convex sets.
Main definitions #
: the absolutely convex hull of a sets
is the smallest absolutely convex set containings
: the closed absolutely convex hull of a sets
is the smallest absolutely convex set containings
Main statements #
: when the locally convex space is a module, the absolutely convex hull of a sets
equals the convex hull of the balanced hull ofs
: the convex hull ofs ∪ -s
is the absolutely convex hull ofs
: the closed absolutely convex hull of the closure ofs
equals the closed absolutely convex hull ofs
Implementation notes #
Mathlib's definition of Convex
requires the scalars to be an OrderedSemiring
whereas the
definition of Balanced
requires the scalars to be a SeminormedRing
. Mathlib doesn't currently
have a concept of a semi-normed ordered ring, so we define a set as AbsConvex
if it is balanced
over a SeminormedRing
and convex over ℝ
, assuming IsScalarTower ℝ 𝕜 E
SMulCommClass ℝ 𝕜 E
where required.
Tags #
disks, convex, balanced
A set is absolutely convex if it is balanced and convex. Mathlib's definition of Convex
requires the scalars to be an OrderedSemiring
whereas the definition of Balanced
requires the
scalars to be a SeminormedRing
. Mathlib doesn't currently have a concept of a semi-normed ordered
ring, so we define a set as AbsConvex
if it is balanced over a SeminormedRing
and convex
over ℝ
Instances For
The absolute convex hull of a set s
is the minimal absolute convex set that includes s
Instances For
Alias of the reverse direction of absConvexHull_eq_self
Alias of the reverse direction of absConvexHull_nonempty
The absolutely convex closed hull of a set s
is the minimal absolutely convex closed set that
includes s
- closedAbsConvexHull 𝕜 = ClosureOperator.ofCompletePred (fun (s : Set E) => AbsConvex 𝕜 s ∧ IsClosed s) ⋯
Instances For
In general, equality doesn't hold here - e.g. consider s := {(-1, 1), (1, 1)}
in ℝ²