

Spectral properties in Cā‹†-algebras #

In this file, we establish various properties related to the spectrum of elements in Cā‹†-algebras.

theorem unitary.spectrum_subset_circle {š•œ : Type u_1} [NormedField š•œ] {E : Type u_2} [NormedRing E] [StarRing E] [CstarRing E] [NormedAlgebra š•œ E] [CompleteSpace E] (u : ā†„(unitary E)) :
spectrum š•œ ā†‘u āŠ† Metric.sphere 0 1
theorem spectrum.subset_circle_of_unitary {š•œ : Type u_1} [NormedField š•œ] {E : Type u_2} [NormedRing E] [StarRing E] [CstarRing E] [NormedAlgebra š•œ E] [CompleteSpace E] {u : E} (h : u āˆˆ unitary E) :
theorem IsSelfAdjoint.mem_spectrum_eq_re {A : Type u_1} [NormedRing A] [NormedAlgebra ā„‚ A] [CompleteSpace A] [StarRing A] [CstarRing A] [StarModule ā„‚ A] {a : A} (ha : IsSelfAdjoint a) {z : ā„‚} (hz : z āˆˆ spectrum ā„‚ a) :
z = ā†‘

Any element of the spectrum of a selfadjoint is real.

theorem selfAdjoint.mem_spectrum_eq_re {A : Type u_1} [NormedRing A] [NormedAlgebra ā„‚ A] [CompleteSpace A] [StarRing A] [CstarRing A] [StarModule ā„‚ A] (a : ā†„(selfAdjoint A)) {z : ā„‚} (hz : z āˆˆ spectrum ā„‚ ā†‘a) :
z = ā†‘

Any element of the spectrum of a selfadjoint is real.

The spectrum of a selfadjoint is real

A star algebra homomorphism of complex Cā‹†-algebras is norm contractive.

A star algebra homomorphism of complex Cā‹†-algebras is norm contractive.

@[instance 100]

Star algebra homomorphisms between Cā‹†-algebras are continuous linear maps. See note [lower instance priority]

  • ā‹Æ = ā‹Æ
@[instance 100]

This instance is provided instead of StarAlgHomClass to avoid type class inference loops. See note [lower instance priority]

  • ā‹Æ = ā‹Æ

This is not an instance to avoid type class inference loops. See WeakDual.Complex.instStarHomClass.