Convergence of subadditive sequences #
A subadditive sequence u : ℕ → ℝ
is a sequence satisfying u (m + n) ≤ u m + u n
for all m, n
We define this notion as Subadditive u
, and prove in Subadditive.tendsto_lim
that, if u n / n
is bounded below, then it converges to a limit (that we denote by Subadditive.lim
convenience). This result is known as Fekete's lemma in the literature.
Define a bundled SubadditiveHom
, use it.
The limit of a bounded-below subadditive sequence. The fact that the sequence indeed tends to
this limit is given in Subadditive.tendsto_lim
Instances For
{u : ℕ → ℝ}
(h : Subadditive u)
(hbdd : BddBelow (Set.range fun (n : ℕ) => u n / ↑n))
Filter.Tendsto (fun (n : ℕ) => u n / ↑n) Filter.atTop (nhds h.lim)
Fekete's lemma: a subadditive sequence which is bounded below converges.