

Grothendieck categories #

This file defines Grothendieck categories and proves basic facts about them.

Definitions #

A Grothendieck category according to the Stacks project is an abelian category provided that it has AB5 and a separator. However, this definition is not invariant under equivalences of categories. Therefore, if C is an abelian category, the class IsGrothendieckAbelian.{w} C has a weaker definition that is also satisfied for categories that are merely equivalent to a Grothendieck category in the former strict sense.

Theorems #

The invariance under equivalences of categories is established in IsGrothendieckAbelian.of_equivalence.

In particular, ShrinkHoms.isGrothendieckAbelian C shows that ShrinkHoms C satisfies our definition of a Grothendieck category after shrinking its hom sets, which coincides with the strict definition in this case.

Relevant implications of IsGrothendieckAbelian are established in IsGrothendieckAbelian.hasLimits and IsGrothendieckAbelian.hasColimits.

References #

If C is an abelian category, we shall say that it satisfies IsGrothendieckAbelian.{w} C if it is locally small (relative to w), has exact filtered colimits of size w (AB5) and has a separator. If [Category.{v} C] and w = v, this means that C satisfies AB5 and has a separator; general results about Grothendieck abelian categories can be reduced to this case using the instance ShrinkHoms.isGrothendieckAbelian below.

The introduction of the auxiliary universe w shall be needed for certain applications to categories of sheaves. That the present definition still preserves essential properties of Grothendieck categories is ensured by IsGrothendieckAbelian.of_equivalence, which shows that every instance for C implies an instance for ShrinkHoms C with hom sets in Type w.

Stacks Tag 079B
