

Limits and the category of (co)cones #

This files contains results that stem from the limit API. For the definition and the category instance of Cone, please refer to CategoryTheory/Limits/Cones.lean.

Main results #

Given a cone c over F, we can interpret the legs of c as structured arrows ⟶ F.obj -.

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Instances For

    If F has a limit, then the limit projections can be interpreted as structured arrows limit F ⟶ F.obj -.

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    Instances For
      def CategoryTheory.Functor.toStructuredArrowIsoToStructuredArrow {J : Type u₁} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₁, u₁} J] {K : Type u₂} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₂, u₂} K] {C : Type u₃} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₃, u₃} C] (G : CategoryTheory.Functor J K) (X : C) (F : CategoryTheory.Functor K C) (f : (Y : J) → X F.obj (G.obj Y)) (h : ∀ {Y Z : J} (g : Y Z), CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp (f Y) ( ( g)) = f Z) :
      CategoryTheory.Functor.toStructuredArrow G X F f CategoryTheory.Functor.comp (CategoryTheory.Limits.Cone.toStructuredArrow { pt := X, π := { app := f, naturality := } }) (CategoryTheory.StructuredArrow.pre { pt := X, π := { app := f, naturality := } }.pt G F)

      Functor.toStructuredArrow can be expressed in terms of Cone.toStructuredArrow.

      Instances For

        Interpreting the legs of a cone as a structured arrow and then forgetting the arrow again does nothing.

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        Instances For

          Interpreting the legs of a cone as a structured arrow, interpreting this arrow as an arrow over the cone point, and finally forgetting the arrow is the same as just applying the functor the cone was over.

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          Instances For

            A cone c on F : J ⥤ C lifts to a cone in Over with cone point 𝟙

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            Instances For

              The limit cone for F : J ⥤ C lifts to a cocone in Under (limit F) with cone point 𝟙 (limit F). This is automatically also a limit cone.

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              Instances For

                Given a diagram of StructuredArrow X Fs, we may obtain a cone with cone point X.

                Instances For

                  Given a cone c : Cone K and a map f : X ⟶ F.obj c.X, we can construct a cone of structured arrows over X with f as the cone point.

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                  Instances For

                    Construct an object of the category (Δ ↓ F) from a cone on F. This is part of an equivalence, see Cone.equivCostructuredArrow.

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                    Instances For

                      Construct a cone on F from an object of the category (Δ ↓ F). This is part of an equivalence, see Cone.equivCostructuredArrow.

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                      Instances For

                        The category of cones on F is just the comma category (Δ ↓ F), where Δ is the constant functor.

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                        Instances For

                          A cone is a limit cone iff it is terminal.

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                          Instances For

                            Given a cocone c over F, we can interpret the legs of c as costructured arrows F.obj - ⟶

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                            Instances For

                              If F has a colimit, then the colimit inclusions can be interpreted as costructured arrows F.obj - ⟶ colimit F.

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                              Instances For

                                Interpreting the legs of a cocone as a costructured arrow and then forgetting the arrow again does nothing.

                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                Instances For

                                  Interpreting the legs of a cocone as a costructured arrow, interpreting this arrow as an arrow over the cocone point, and finally forgetting the arrow is the same as just applying the functor the cocone was over.

                                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                  Instances For

                                    A cocone c on F : J ⥤ C lifts to a cocone in Over with cone point 𝟙

                                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                    Instances For

                                      The colimit cocone for F : J ⥤ C lifts to a cocone in Over (colimit F) with cone point 𝟙 (colimit F). This is automatically also a colimit cocone.

                                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                      Instances For

                                        Given a diagram CostructuredArrow F Xs, we may obtain a cocone with cone point X.

                                        Instances For

                                          Given a cocone c : Cocone K and a map f : F.obj c.X ⟶ X, we can construct a cocone of costructured arrows over X with f as the cone point.

                                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                          Instances For

                                            Construct an object of the category (F ↓ Δ) from a cocone on F. This is part of an equivalence, see Cocone.equivStructuredArrow.

                                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                            Instances For

                                              Construct a cocone on F from an object of the category (F ↓ Δ). This is part of an equivalence, see Cocone.equivStructuredArrow.

                                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                              Instances For

                                                The category of cocones on F is just the comma category (F ↓ Δ), where Δ is the constant functor.

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                                                Instances For

                                                  A cocone is a colimit cocone iff it is initial.

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                                                  Instances For