Artinian and noetherian categories #
An artinian category is a category in which objects do not have infinite decreasing sequences of subobjects.
A noetherian category is a category in which objects do not have infinite increasing sequences of subobjects.
We show that any nonzero artinian object has a simple subobject.
Future work #
The Jordan-Hölder theorem, following
A noetherian object is an object which does not have infinite increasing sequences of subobjects.
- subobject_gt_wellFounded' : WellFounded fun (x1 x2 : Subobject X) => x1 > x2
An artinian object is an object which does not have infinite decreasing sequences of subobjects.
- subobject_lt_wellFounded' : WellFounded fun (x1 x2 : Subobject X) => x1 < x2
A category is noetherian if it is essentially small and all objects are noetherian.
- equiv_smallCategory : ∃ (S : Type u_3) (x : SmallCategory S), Nonempty (C ≌ S)
- noetherianObject (X : C) : NoetherianObject X
A category is artinian if it is essentially small and all objects are artinian.
- equiv_smallCategory : ∃ (S : Type u_3) (x : SmallCategory S), Nonempty (C ≌ S)
- artinianObject (X : C) : ArtinianObject X
Choose an arbitrary simple subobject of a non-zero artinian object.
Instances For
The monomorphism from the arbitrary simple subobject of a non-zero artinian object.