

Sheaves preserve products #

We prove that a presheaf which satisfies the sheaf condition with respect to certain presieves preserve "the corresponding products".

Main results #

More precisely, given a presheaf F : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type*, we have:

If F is a presheaf which satisfies the sheaf condition with respect to the empty presieve on any object, then F takes that object to the terminal object.

Instances For

    If F is a presheaf which satisfies the sheaf condition with respect to the empty presieve on the initial object, then F preserves terminal objects.

    The two parallel maps in the equalizer diagram for the sheaf condition corresponding to the inclusion maps in a disjoint coproduct are equal.

    If F is a presheaf which IsSheafFor a presieve of arrows and the empty presieve, then it preserves the product corresponding to the presieve of arrows.