Digraphs #
This module defines directed graphs on a vertex type V
which is the same notion as a relation V → V → Prop
While this might be too simple of a notion to deserve the grandeur of a new definition,
the intention here is to develop relations using the language of graph theory.
Note that in this treatment, a digraph may have self loops.
The type Digraph V
is structurally equivalent to Quiver.{0} V
but a difference between these is that Quiver
is a class —
its purpose is to attach a quiver structure to a particular type V
In contrast, for Digraph V
we are interested in working with the entire lattice
of digraphs on V
Main definitions #
is a structure for relations. UnlikeSimpleGraph
, the relation does not need to be symmetric or irreflexive.CompleteAtomicBooleanAlgebra
instance: Under the subgraph relation,Digraph
forms aCompleteAtomicBooleanAlgebra
. In other words, this is the complete lattice of spanning subgraphs of the complete graph.
Constructor for digraphs using a boolean function.
This is useful for creating a digraph with a decidable Adj
and it's used in the construction of the Fintype (Digraph V)
- Digraph.mk' = { toFun := fun (x : V → V → Bool) => { Adj := fun (v w : V) => x v w = true }, inj' := ⋯ }
Instances For
- instDecidableRelAdjCoeEmbeddingForallForallBoolDigraphMk' adj = inferInstanceAs (DecidableRel fun (v w : V) => adj v w = true)
The complete digraph on a type V
(denoted by ⊤
is the digraph whose vertices are all adjacent.
Note that every vertex is adjacent to itself in ⊤
- Digraph.completeDigraph V = { Adj := ⊤ }
Instances For
The empty digraph on a type V
(denoted by ⊥
is the digraph such that no pairs of vertices are adjacent.
Note that ⊥
is called the empty digraph because it has no edges.
- Digraph.emptyDigraph V = { Adj := fun (x x : V) => False }
Instances For
Two vertices are adjacent in the complete bipartite digraph on two vertex types if and only if they are not from the same side. Any bipartite digraph may be regarded as a subgraph of one of these.
Instances For
The relation that one Digraph
is a spanning subgraph of another.
Note that Digraph.IsSubgraph G H
should be spelled G ≤ H
- x.IsSubgraph y = ∀ ⦃v w : V⦄, x.Adj v w → y.Adj v w
Instances For
- Digraph.instLE = { le := Digraph.IsSubgraph }
- Digraph.supSet = { sSup := fun (s : Set (Digraph V)) => { Adj := fun (a b : V) => ∃ G ∈ s, G.Adj a b } }
- Digraph.instInhabited V = { default := ⊥ }
- Digraph.instUniqueOfIsEmpty = { default := ⊥, uniq := ⋯ }
- Digraph.Bot.adjDecidable V = inferInstanceAs (DecidableRel fun (x x : V) => False)
- Digraph.Sup.adjDecidable V G H = inferInstanceAs (DecidableRel fun (v w : V) => G.Adj v w ∨ H.Adj v w)
- Digraph.Inf.adjDecidable V G H = inferInstanceAs (DecidableRel fun (v w : V) => G.Adj v w ∧ H.Adj v w)
- Digraph.SDiff.adjDecidable V G H = inferInstanceAs (DecidableRel fun (v w : V) => G.Adj v w ∧ ¬H.Adj v w)
- Digraph.Top.adjDecidable V = inferInstanceAs (DecidableRel fun (x x : V) => True)
- Digraph.Compl.adjDecidable V G = inferInstanceAs (DecidableRel fun (v w : V) => ¬G.Adj v w)