The Ahlswede-Zhang identity #
This file proves the Ahlswede-Zhang identity, which is a nontrivial relation between the size of the
"truncated unions" of a set family. It sharpens the Lubell-Yamamoto-Meshalkin inequality
, by making explicit the correction term.
For a set family 𝒜
over a ground set of size n
, the Ahlswede-Zhang identity states that the sum
of |⋂ B ∈ 𝒜, B ⊆ A, B|/(|A| * n.choose |A|)
over all set A
is exactly 1
. This implies the LYM
inequality since for an antichain 𝒜
and every A ∈ 𝒜
we have
|⋂ B ∈ 𝒜, B ⊆ A, B|/(|A| * n.choose |A|) = 1 / n.choose |A|
Main declarations #
:s.truncatedSup a
is the supremum of allb ≥ a
if there are some, or⊤
if there are none.Finset.truncatedInf
:s.truncatedInf a
is the infimum of allb ≤ a
if there are some, or⊥
if there are none.AhlswedeZhang.infSum
: LHS of the Ahlswede-Zhang identity.AhlswedeZhang.le_infSum
: The sum of1 / n.choose |A|
over an antichain is less than the RHS of the Ahlswede-Zhang identity.AhlswedeZhang.infSum_eq_one
: Ahlswede-Zhang identity.
References #
Truncated supremum, truncated infimum #
The supremum of the elements of s
less than a
if there are some, otherwise ⊤
- s.truncatedSup a = if h : a ∈ lowerClosure ↑s then {b ∈ s | a ≤ b}.sup' ⋯ id else ⊤
Instances For
The infimum of the elements of s
less than a
if there are some, otherwise ⊥
- s.truncatedInf a = if h : a ∈ upperClosure ↑s then {b ∈ s | b ≤ a}.inf' ⋯ id else ⊥
Instances For
Weighted sum of the size of the truncated infima of a set family. Relevant to the Ahlswede-Zhang identity.
- AhlswedeZhang.infSum 𝒜 = ∑ s : Finset α, ↑(𝒜.truncatedInf s).card / (↑s.card * ↑((Fintype.card α).choose s.card))
Instances For
Weighted sum of the size of the truncated suprema of a set family. Relevant to the Ahlswede-Zhang identity.
- AhlswedeZhang.supSum 𝒜 = ∑ s : Finset α, ↑(𝒜.truncatedSup s).card / ((↑(Fintype.card α) - ↑s.card) * ↑((Fintype.card α).choose s.card))
Instances For
The Ahlswede-Zhang Identity.