

The Turán graph #

This file defines the Turán graph and proves some of its basic properties.

Main declarations #


def SimpleGraph.IsTuranMaximal {V : Type u_1} [Fintype V] (G : SimpleGraph V) [DecidableRel G.Adj] (r : ) :

An r + 1-cliquefree graph is r-Turán-maximal if any other r + 1-cliquefree graph on the same vertex set has the same or fewer number of edges.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
    theorem SimpleGraph.IsTuranMaximal.le_iff_eq {V : Type u_1} [Fintype V] {G : SimpleGraph V} {H : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableRel G.Adj] {r : } (hG : SimpleGraph.IsTuranMaximal G r) (hH : SimpleGraph.CliqueFree H (r + 1)) :
    G H G = H

    The canonical r + 1-cliquefree Turán graph on n vertices.

    Instances For
      • SimpleGraph.turanGraph.instDecidableRelAdj = id inferInstance

      For n ≤ r and 0 < r, turanGraph n r is Turán-maximal.

      An r + 1-cliquefree Turán-maximal graph is not r-cliquefree if it can accommodate such a clique.