Lists as finsupp #
Main definitions #
: Interpret a list as a finitely supported function, where the indexing type isℕ
, and the values are either the elements of the list (accessing by indexing) or0
outside of the list.
Main theorems #
: Al : List M
, when interpreted as a finitely supported function, is equal to the sum ofFinsupp.single
produced by mapping overList.enum l
Implementation details #
The functions defined here rely on a decidability predicate that each element in the list
can be decidably determined to be not equal to zero or that one can decide one is out of the
bounds of a list. For concretely defined lists that are made up of elements of decidable terms,
this holds. More work will be needed to support lists over non-dec-eq types like ℝ
, where the
elements are beyond the dec-eq terms of casted values from ℕ, ℤ, ℚ
Indexing into a l : List M
, as a finitely-supported function,
where the support are all the indices within the length of the list
that index to a non-zero value. Indices beyond the end of the list are sent to 0.
This is a computable version of the Finsupp.onFinset
Instances For
Alias of List.toFinsupp_eq_sum_mapIdx_single