

Classification of Algebraically closed fields #

This file contains results related to classifying algebraically closed fields.

Main statements #

theorem IsAlgClosed.isAlgClosure_of_transcendence_basis {R : Type u_1} {K : Type u_3} [CommRing R] [Field K] [Algebra R K] {ι : Type u_4} (v : ιK) [IsAlgClosed K] (hv : IsTranscendenceBasis R v) :
def IsAlgClosed.equivOfTranscendenceBasis {R : Type u_1} {L : Type u_2} {K : Type u_3} [CommRing R] [Field K] [Algebra R K] [Field L] [Algebra R L] {ι : Type u_4} (v : ιK) {κ : Type u_5} (w : κL) [IsAlgClosed K] [IsAlgClosed L] (e : ι κ) (hv : IsTranscendenceBasis R v) (hw : IsTranscendenceBasis R w) :
K ≃+* L

setting R to be ZMod (ringChar R) this result shows that if two algebraically closed fields have equipotent transcendence bases and the same characteristic then they are isomorphic.

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Instances For

    The cardinality of an algebraically closed R-algebra is less than or equal to the maximum of of the cardinality of R, the cardinality of a transcendence basis and ℵ₀

    For a simpler, but less universe-polymorphic statement, see IsAlgClosed.cardinal_le_max_transcendence_basis'

    The cardinality of an algebraically closed R-algebra is less than or equal to the maximum of of the cardinality of R, the cardinality of a transcendence basis and ℵ₀

    A less-universe polymorphic, but simpler statement of IsAlgClosed.cardinal_le_max_transcendence_basis

    If K is an uncountable algebraically closed field, then its cardinality is the same as that of a transcendence basis.

    For a simpler, but less universe-polymorphic statement, see IsAlgClosed.cardinal_eq_cardinal_transcendence_basis_of_aleph0_lt'

    If K is an uncountable algebraically closed field, then its cardinality is the same as that of a transcendence basis.

    This is a simpler, but less general statement of cardinal_eq_cardinal_transcendence_basis_of_aleph0_lt.

    Two uncountable algebraically closed fields of characteristic zero are isomorphic if they have the same cardinality.

    theorem IsAlgClosed.ringEquiv_of_equiv_of_char_eq {K : Type u} {L : Type v} [Field K] [Field L] [IsAlgClosed K] [IsAlgClosed L] (p : ) [CharP K p] [CharP L p] (hK : Cardinal.aleph0 < K) (hKL : Nonempty (K L)) :

    Two uncountable algebraically closed fields are isomorphic if they have the same cardinality and the same characteristic.