Normalized trace #
This file defines normalized trace map, that is, an F
-linear map from the algebraic closure
of F
to F
defined as the trace of an element from its adjoin extension divided by its degree.
To avoid heavy imports, we define it here as a map from an arbitrary algebraic (equivalently
integral) extension of F
Main definitions #
: the trace of an element from the simple adjoin divided by the degree; it is a non-trivialF
-linear map from an arbitrary algebraic extensionK
Main results #
: for a towerK / E / F
of algebraic extensions,normalizedTrace F E
agrees withnormalizedTrace F K
: for a towerK / E / F
of algebraic extensions, the normalized trace fromK to
Ecomposed with the normalized trace from
Fequals the normalized trace from
:normalizedTrace F F
is the identity map.
The normalized trace map from an algebraic extension K
to the base field F
- Algebra.normalizedTrace F K = { toFun := Algebra.normalizedTraceAux✝ F K, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Normalized trace defined purely in terms of the degree and the next coefficient of the minimal polynomial. Could be an alternative definition but it is harder to work with linearity.
The normalized trace transfers via (injective) maps.
The normalized trace transfers via restriction to a subextension.
If all the coefficients of minpoly E a
are in F
, then the normalized trace of a
from K
to E
equals the normalized trace of a
from K
to F
For a tower K / E / F
of algebraic extensions, the normalized trace from K
to E
with the normalized trace from E
to F
equals the normalized trace from K
to F
The normalized trace map is a left inverse of the algebra map.
The normalized trace commutes with (injective) maps.
The normalized trace map is non-trivial.