

C^n structures #

In this file we define C^n structures that build on Lie groups. We prefer using the term ContMDiffRing instead of Lie mainly because Lie ring has currently another use in mathematics.

class ContMDiffRing {𝕜 : Type u_1} [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] {H : Type u_2} [TopologicalSpace H] {E : Type u_3} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace 𝕜 E] (I : ModelWithCorners 𝕜 E H) (n : WithTop ℕ∞) (R : Type u_4) [Semiring R] [TopologicalSpace R] [ChartedSpace H R] extends ContMDiffAdd I n R :

A C^n (semi)ring is a (semi)ring R where addition and multiplication are C^n. If R is a ring, then negation is automatically C^n, as it is multiplication with -1.

    @[deprecated ContMDiffRing (since := "2025-01-09")]
    def SmoothRing {𝕜 : Type u_1} [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] {H : Type u_2} [TopologicalSpace H] {E : Type u_3} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace 𝕜 E] (I : ModelWithCorners 𝕜 E H) (n : WithTop ℕ∞) (R : Type u_4) [Semiring R] [TopologicalSpace R] [ChartedSpace H R] :

    Alias of ContMDiffRing.

    A C^n (semi)ring is a (semi)ring R where addition and multiplication are C^n. If R is a ring, then negation is automatically C^n, as it is multiplication with -1.

    Instances For
      @[instance 100]
      instance ContMDiffRing.toContMDiffMul {𝕜 : Type u_1} [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] {H : Type u_2} [TopologicalSpace H] {E : Type u_3} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace 𝕜 E] {n : WithTop ℕ∞} (I : ModelWithCorners 𝕜 E H) (R : Type u_4) [Semiring R] [TopologicalSpace R] [ChartedSpace H R] [h : ContMDiffRing I n R] :
      @[instance 100]
      instance ContMDiffRing.toLieAddGroup {𝕜 : Type u_1} [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] {H : Type u_2} [TopologicalSpace H] {E : Type u_3} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace 𝕜 E] {n : WithTop ℕ∞} (I : ModelWithCorners 𝕜 E H) (R : Type u_4) [Ring R] [TopologicalSpace R] [ChartedSpace H R] [ContMDiffRing I n R] :
      @[instance 100]

      A C^n (semi)ring is a topological (semi)ring. This is not an instance for technical reasons, see note [Design choices about smooth algebraic structures].

      @[deprecated topologicalSemiring_of_contMDiffRing (since := "2025-01-09")]

      Alias of topologicalSemiring_of_contMDiffRing.

      A C^n (semi)ring is a topological (semi)ring. This is not an instance for technical reasons, see note [Design choices about smooth algebraic structures].