Archimedean groups #
This file proves a few facts about ordered groups which satisfy the Archimedean
property, that is:
class Archimedean (α) [OrderedAddCommMonoid α] : Prop :=
(arch : ∀ (x : α) {y}, 0 < y → ∃ n : ℕ, x ≤ n • y)
They are placed here in a separate file (rather than incorporated as a continuation of
) because they rely on some imports from GroupTheory
-- bundled
subgroups in particular.
The main result is AddSubgroup.cyclic_of_min
: a subgroup of a decidable archimedean abelian
group is cyclic, if its set of positive elements has a minimal element.
This result is used in this file to deduce Int.subgroup_cyclic
, proving that every subgroup of ℤ
is cyclic. (There are several other methods one could use to prove this fact, including more purely
algebraic methods, but none seem to exist in mathlib as of writing. The closest is
, but that has not been transferred to AddSubgroup
The file also supports multiplicative groups via MulArchimedean
The result is also used in Topology.Instances.Real
as an ingredient in the classification of
subgroups of ℝ
Given a subgroup H
of a decidable linearly ordered mul-archimedean abelian group G
, if there
exists a minimal element a
of H ∩ G_{>1}
then H
is generated by a
Given a subgroup H
of a decidable linearly ordered
archimedean abelian group G
, if there exists a minimal element a
of H ∩ G_{>0}
then H
generated by a
If a nontrivial subgroup of a linear ordered commutative group is disjoint
with the interval Set.Ioo 1 a
for some 1 < a
, then the set of elements greater than 1 of this
group admits the least element.
If a nontrivial additive subgroup of a linear ordered additive commutative group is
disjoint with the interval Set.Ioo 0 a
for some positive a
, then the set of positive elements of
this group admits the least element.
If a subgroup of a linear ordered commutative group is disjoint with the
interval Set.Ioo 1 a
for some 1 < a
, then this is a cyclic subgroup.
If an additive subgroup of a linear ordered
additive commutative group is disjoint with the interval Set.Ioo 0 a
for some positive a
, then
this is a cyclic subgroup.
Every subgroup of ℤ
is cyclic.