

Iwasawa criterion for simplicity #

We then prove two versions of the Iwasawa criterion when there is an Iwasawa structure.


Additivize. The issue is that it requires to additivize commutator (which, moreover, lives in the root namespace)

structure MulAction.IwasawaStructure (M : Type u_1) [Group M] (α : Type u_2) [MulAction M α] :
Type (max u_1 u_2)

The structure underlying the Iwasawa criterion

  • T : αSubgroup M

    The subgroups of the Iwasawa structure

  • is_comm (x : α) : (self.T x).IsCommutative

    The commutativity property of the subgroups

  • is_conj (g : M) (x : α) : self.T (g x) = MulAut.conj g self.T x

    The conjugacy property of the subgroups

  • is_generator : iSup self.T =

    The subgroups generate the group

Instances For
    theorem MulAction.IwasawaStructure.commutator_le {M : Type u_1} [Group M] {α : Type u_2} [MulAction M α] (IwaS : IwasawaStructure M α) [IsQuasiPreprimitive M α] (N : Subgroup M) [nN : N.Normal] (hNX : fixedPoints (↥N) α Set.univ) :

    The Iwasawa criterion : If a quasiprimitive action of a group G on X has an Iwasawa structure, then any normal subgroup that acts nontrivially contains the group of commutators.

    theorem MulAction.IwasawaStructure.isSimpleGroup {M : Type u_1} [Group M] {α : Type u_2} [MulAction M α] [Nontrivial M] (is_perfect : commutator M = ) [IsQuasiPreprimitive M α] (IwaS : IwasawaStructure M α) (is_faithful : FaithfulSMul M α) :

    The Iwasawa criterion for simplicity