

Centralizer of an element in the alternating group #

Given a finite type α, our goal is to compute the cardinality of conjugacy classes in alternatingGroup α.

TODO : Deduce the formula for the cardinality of the centralizers and conjugacy classes in alternatingGroup α.

theorem AlternatingGroup.card_of_cycleType_mul_eq (α : Type u_1) [Fintype α] [DecidableEq α] (m : Multiset ) :
{g : (alternatingGroup α) | (↑g).cycleType = m}.card * ((Fintype.card α - m.sum).factorial * * nm.toFinset, (Multiset.count n m).factorial) = if (m.sum Fintype.card α am, 2 a) Even (m.sum + m.card) then (Fintype.card α).factorial else 0

The cardinality of even permutations of given cycleType

theorem AlternatingGroup.card_of_cycleType (α : Type u_1) [Fintype α] [DecidableEq α] (m : Multiset ) :
{g : (alternatingGroup α) | (↑g).cycleType = m}.card = if (m.sum Fintype.card α am, 2 a) Even (m.sum + m.card) then (Fintype.card α).factorial / ((Fintype.card α - m.sum).factorial * ( * nm.toFinset, (Multiset.count n m).factorial)) else 0

The cardinality of even permutations of given cycleType

theorem AlternatingGroup.card_of_cycleType_singleton {α : Type u_1} [Fintype α] [DecidableEq α] {n : } (hn : 2 n) ( : n Fintype.card α) :
{g : (alternatingGroup α) | (↑g).cycleType = {n}}.card = if Odd n then (n - 1).factorial * (Fintype.card α).choose n else 0

The number of cycles of given length

The centralizer of a permutation is contained in the alternating group if and only if its cycles have odd length, with at most one of each, and there is at most one fixed point.