Centralizer of a permutation and cardinality of conjugacy classes in the symmetric groups #
Let α : Type
with Fintype α
(and DecidableEq α
The main goal of this file is to compute the cardinality of
conjugacy classes in Equiv.Perm α
Every g : Equiv.Perm α
has a g.cycleType : Multiset ℕ
By Equiv.Perm.isConj_iff_cycleType_eq
two permutations are conjugate in Equiv.Perm α
their cycle types are equal.
To compute the cardinality of the conjugacy classes, we could use
a purely combinatorial approach and compute the number of permutations
with given cycle type but we resorted to a more algebraic approach
based on the study of the centralizer of a permutation g
Given g : Equiv.Perm α
, the conjugacy class of g
is the orbit
of g
under the action ConjAct (Equiv.Perm α)
, and we use the
orbit-stabilizer theorem
) to reduce
the computation to the computation of the centralizer of g
, the
subgroup of Equiv.Perm α
consisting of all permutations which
commute with g
. It is accessed here as MulAction.stabilizer (ConjAct (Equiv.Perm α)) g
and Subgroup.centralizer_eq_comap_stabilizer
We compute this subgroup as follows.
h : Subgroup.centralizer {g}
, then the action ofConjAct.toConjAct h
by conjugation onEquiv.Perm α
. That induces an action ofSubgroup.centralizer {g}
which is defined as an instance.This action defines a group morphism
Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.toPermHom g
fromSubgroup.centralizer {g}
toEquiv.Perm g.cycleFactorsFinset
is the subgroup ofEquiv.Perm g.cycleFactorsFinset
consisting of permutations that preserve the cardinality of the support.Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.range_toPermHom_eq_range_toPermHom'
shows that the range ofEquiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.toPermHom g
is the subgroupEquiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.toPermHom_range' g
ofEquiv.Perm g.cycleFactorsFinset
This is shown by constructing a right inverse
, as established by
computes the cardinality of(Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.toPermHom g).range
as a product of factorials.Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.mem_ker_toPermHom_iff
proves thatk : Subgroup.centralizer {g}
belongs to the kernel ofEquiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.toPermHom g
if and only if it commutes with each cycle ofg
. This is equivalent to the conjunction of two properties:k
preserves the set of fixed points ofg
;- on each cycle
acts as a power of that cycle.
This allows to give a description of the kernel of
Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.toPermHom g
as the product of a
symmetric group and of a product of cyclic groups. This analysis
starts with the morphism Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.kerParam
, its
injectivity Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.kerParam_injective
, its range
, and its cardinality
computes the signature of the permutation induced given byEquiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.kerParam
.Equiv.Perm.nat_card_centralizer g
computes the cardinality of the centralizer ofg
.Equiv.Perm.card_isConj_mul_eq g
computes the cardinality of the conjugacy class ofg
.We now can compute the cardinality of the set of permutations with given cycle type. The condition for this cardinality to be zero is given by
which is itself derived fromEquiv.Perm.exists_with_cycleType_iff
.Equiv.Perm.card_of_cycleType_mul_eq m
andEquiv.Perm.card_of_cycleType m
compute this cardinality.
The action by conjugation of Subgroup.centralizer {g}
on the cycles of a given permutation
Instances For
The conjugation action of Subgroup.centralizer {g}
on g.cycleFactorsFinset
Instances For
The canonical morphism from Subgroup.centralizer {g}
to the group of permutations of g.cycleFactorsFinset
Instances For
The range of Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.toPermHom
The equality is proved by Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.range_toPermHom_eq_range_toPermHom'
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
k : Subgroup.centralizer {g}
belongs to the kernel of toPermHom g
iff it commutes with each cycle of g
A Basis
of a permutation is a choice of an element in each of its cycles
A choice of elements in each cycle
For each cycle, the chosen element belongs to the cycle
Instances For
- g.instDFunLikeBasisSubtypeMemFinsetCycleFactorsFinset = { coe := fun (a : g.Basis) => a.toFun, coe_injective' := ⋯ }
The function that will provide a right inverse toCentralizer
to toPermHom
- a.ofPermHomFun τ x = if hx : g.cycleOf x ∈ g.cycleFactorsFinset then (g ^ Nat.find ⋯) (a (↑τ ⟨g.cycleOf x, hx⟩)) else x
Instances For
Given a : g.Basis
and a permutation of g.cycleFactorsFinset
preserve the lengths of the cycles, a permutation of α
moves the Basis
and commutes with g
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given a : Equiv.Perm.Basis g
we define a right inverse of Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.toPermHom
on range_toPermHom' g
- a.toCentralizer = { toFun := fun (τ : ↥(Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.range_toPermHom' g)) => ⟨a.ofPermHom τ, ⋯⟩, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Unapplied variant of Equiv.Perm.mem_range_toPermHom_iff
Computes the range of Equiv.Perm.toPermHom g
The parametrization of the kernel of toPermHom
Instances For
Cardinality of the centralizer in Equiv.Perm α
of a permutation given cycleType
Cardinality of a conjugacy class in Equiv.Perm α
of a given cycleType
Cardinality of the Finset
of Equiv.Perm α
of given cycleType