Clifford Algebras #
We construct the Clifford algebra of a module M
over a commutative ring R
, equipped with
a quadratic form Q
Notation #
The Clifford algebra of the R
-module M
equipped with a quadratic form Q
an R
-algebra denoted CliffordAlgebra Q
Given a linear morphism f : M → A
from a module M
to another R
-algebra A
, such that
cond : ∀ m, f m * f m = algebraMap _ _ (Q m)
, there is a (unique) lift of f
to an R
morphism from CliffordAlgebra Q
to A
, which is denoted CliffordAlgebra.lift Q f cond
The canonical linear map M → CliffordAlgebra Q
is denoted CliffordAlgebra.ι Q
Theorems #
The main theorems proved ensure that CliffordAlgebra Q
satisfies the universal property
of the Clifford algebra.
is the fact that the composition ofι Q
withlift Q f cond
agrees withf
ensures the uniqueness oflift Q f cond
with respect to 1.
Implementation details #
The Clifford algebra of M
is constructed as a quotient of the tensor algebra, as follows.
- We define a relation
CliffordAlgebra.Rel Q
onTensorAlgebra R M
. This is the smallest relation which identifies squares of elements ofM
withQ m
. - The Clifford algebra is the quotient of the tensor algebra by this relation.
This file is almost identical to Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/ExteriorAlgebra/Basic.lean
relates each ι m * ι m
, for m : M
, with Q m
The Clifford algebra of M
is defined as the quotient modulo this relation.
- of {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] {M : Type u_2} [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] {Q : QuadraticForm R M} (m : M) : Rel Q ((TensorAlgebra.ι R) m * (TensorAlgebra.ι R) m) ((algebraMap R (TensorAlgebra R M)) (Q m))
Instances For
The Clifford algebra of an R
-module M
equipped with a quadratic_form Q
Instances For
The canonical linear map M →ₗ[R] CliffordAlgebra Q
Instances For
As well as being linear, ι Q
squares to the quadratic form
Given a linear map f : M →ₗ[R] A
into an R
-algebra A
, which satisfies the condition:
cond : ∀ m : M, f m * f m = Q(m)
, this is the canonical lift of f
to a morphism of R
from CliffordAlgebra Q
to A
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
See note [partially-applied ext lemmas].
If C
holds for the algebraMap
of r : R
into CliffordAlgebra Q
, the ι
of x : M
and is preserved under addition and multiplication, then it holds for all of CliffordAlgebra Q
See also the stronger CliffordAlgebra.left_induction
and CliffordAlgebra.right_induction
An alternative way to provide the argument to CliffordAlgebra.lift
when 2
is invertible.
To show a function squares to the quadratic form, it suffices to show that
f x * f y + f y * f x = algebraMap _ _ (polar Q x y)
The symmetric product of vectors is a scalar
$aba$ is a vector.
Any linear map that preserves the quadratic form lifts to an AlgHom
between algebras.
See CliffordAlgebra.equivOfIsometry
for the case when f
is a QuadraticForm.IsometryEquiv
- f = (CliffordAlgebra.lift Q₁) ⟨CliffordAlgebra.ι Q₂ ∘ₗ f.toLinearMap, ⋯⟩
Instances For
If f
is a linear map from M₁
to M₂
that preserves the quadratic forms, and if it has
a linear retraction g
that also preserves the quadratic forms, then g
is a retraction of f
If a linear map preserves the quadratic forms and is surjective, then the algebra maps it induces between Clifford algebras is also surjective.
Two CliffordAlgebra
s are equivalent as algebras if their quadratic forms are
Instances For
The canonical image of the TensorAlgebra
in the CliffordAlgebra
, which maps
TensorAlgebra.ι R x
to CliffordAlgebra.ι Q x