Continuity of the action of Mᵈᵐᵃ
on MeasureSpace.Lp E p μ
In this file we prove that under certain conditions,
the action of Mᵈᵐᵃ
on MeasureTheory.Lp E p μ
is continuous in both variables.
Recall that Mᵈᵐᵃ
acts on MeasureTheory.Lp E p μ
by mk c • f = MeasureTheory.Lp.compMeasurePreserving (c • ·) _ f
This action is defined, if M
acts on X
by mesaure preserving maps.
If M
acts on X
by continuous maps
preserving a locally finite measure
which is inner regular for finite measure sets with respect to compact sets,
then the action of Mᵈᵐᵃ
on Lp E p μ
described above, 1 ≤ p < ∞
is continuous in both arguments.
In particular, it applies to the case when X = M
is a locally compact topological group,
and μ
is the Haar measure.
Tags #
measure theory, group action, domain action, continuous action, Lp space
{X : Type u_1}
{M : Type u_2}
{E : Type u_3}
[TopologicalSpace X]
[R1Space X]
[MeasurableSpace X]
[BorelSpace X]
[TopologicalSpace M]
[MeasurableSpace M]
[OpensMeasurableSpace M]
[SMul M X]
[ContinuousSMul M X]
[NormedAddCommGroup E]
{μ : Measure X}
[IsLocallyFiniteMeasure μ]
[SMulInvariantMeasure M X μ]
{p : ENNReal}
[Fact (1 ≤ p)]
[hp : Fact (p ≠ ⊤)]
ContinuousSMul Mᵈᵐᵃ ↥(Lp E p μ)
{X : Type u_1}
{M : Type u_2}
{E : Type u_3}
[TopologicalSpace X]
[R1Space X]
[MeasurableSpace X]
[BorelSpace X]
[TopologicalSpace M]
[MeasurableSpace M]
[OpensMeasurableSpace M]
[VAdd M X]
[ContinuousVAdd M X]
[NormedAddCommGroup E]
{μ : Measure X}
[IsLocallyFiniteMeasure μ]
[VAddInvariantMeasure M X μ]
{p : ENNReal}
[Fact (1 ≤ p)]
[hp : Fact (p ≠ ⊤)]
ContinuousVAdd Mᵈᵃᵃ ↥(Lp E p μ)