

Definitions of an outer measure and the corresponding FunLike class #

In this file we define MeasureTheory.OuterMeasure α to be the type of outer measures on α.

An outer measure is a function μ : Set α → ℝ≥0∞, from the powerset of a type to the extended nonnegative real numbers that satisfies the following conditions:

  1. μ ∅ = 0;
  2. μ is monotone;
  3. μ is countably subadditive. This means that the outer measure of a countable union is at most the sum of the outer measure on the individual sets.

Note that we do not need α to be measurable to define an outer measure.

We also define a typeclass MeasureTheory.OuterMeasureClass.

References #

Tags #

outer measure

structure MeasureTheory.OuterMeasure (α : Type u_2) :
Type u_2

An outer measure is a countably subadditive monotone function that sends to 0.

Instances For

    A mixin class saying that elements μ : F are outer measures on α.

    This typeclass is used to unify some API for outer measures and measures.
