Basics on First-Order Semantics #
This file defines the interpretations of first-order terms, formulas, sentences, and theories in a style inspired by the Flypitch project.
Main Definitions #
is defined so thatt.realize v
is the termt
evaluated at variablesv
is defined so thatφ.Realize v xs
is the bounded formulaφ
evaluated at tuples of variablesv
is defined so thatφ.Realize v
is the formulaφ
evaluated at variablesv
is defined so thatφ.Realize M
is the sentenceφ
evaluated in the structureM
. Also denotedM ⊨ φ
is defined so thatT.Model M
is true if and only if every sentence ofT
is realized inM
. Also denotedT ⊨ φ
Main Results #
- Several results in this file show that syntactic constructions such as
, and the actions of language maps commute with realization of terms, formulas, sentences, and theories.
Implementation Notes #
- Formulas use a modified version of de Bruijn variables. Specifically, a
L.BoundedFormula α n
is a formula with some variables indexed by a typeα
, which cannot be quantified over, and some indexed byFin n
, which can. For anyφ : L.BoundedFormula α (n + 1)
, we define the formula∀' φ : L.BoundedFormula α n
by universally quantifying over the variable indexed byn : Fin (n + 1)
References #
For the Flypitch project:
- [J. Han, F. van Doorn, A formal proof of the independence of the continuum hypothesis] [HvD20]
- J. Han, F. van Doorn, A formalization of forcing and the unprovability of the continuum hypothesis
A term t
with variables indexed by α
can be evaluated by giving a value to each variable.
- FirstOrder.Language.Term.realize v (FirstOrder.Language.var k) = v k
- FirstOrder.Language.Term.realize v (FirstOrder.Language.func f ts) = FirstOrder.Language.Structure.funMap f fun (i : Fin l) => FirstOrder.Language.Term.realize v (ts i)
Instances For
A special case of realize_restrictVar
, included because we can add the simp
to it
A special case of realize_restrictVarLeft
, included because we can add the simp
to it
A bounded formula can be evaluated as true or false by giving values to each free variable.
- FirstOrder.Language.BoundedFormula.falsum.Realize x✝¹ x✝ = False
- (FirstOrder.Language.BoundedFormula.equal t₁ t₂).Realize x✝¹ x✝ = (FirstOrder.Language.Term.realize (Sum.elim x✝¹ x✝) t₁ = FirstOrder.Language.Term.realize (Sum.elim x✝¹ x✝) t₂)
- (FirstOrder.Language.BoundedFormula.rel R ts).Realize x✝¹ x✝ = FirstOrder.Language.Structure.RelMap R fun (i : Fin l) => FirstOrder.Language.Term.realize (Sum.elim x✝¹ x✝) (ts i)
- (f₁.imp f₂).Realize x✝¹ x✝ = (f₁.Realize x✝¹ x✝ → f₂.Realize x✝¹ x✝)
- f.all.Realize x✝¹ x✝ = ∀ (x : M), f.Realize x✝¹ (Fin.snoc x✝ x)
Instances For
A special case of realize_restrictFreeVar
, included because we can add the simp
to it
A formula can be evaluated as true or false by giving values to each free variable.
- φ.Realize v = FirstOrder.Language.BoundedFormula.Realize φ v default
Instances For
A sentence can be evaluated as true or false in a structure.
Instances For
A sentence can be evaluated as true or false in a structure.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Two structures are elementarily equivalent when they satisfy the same sentences.
Instances For
Two structures are elementarily equivalent when they satisfy the same sentences.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
A model of a theory is a structure in which every sentence is realized as true.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.