

First-Order Substructures #

This file defines substructures of first-order structures in a similar manner to the various substructures appearing in the algebra library.

Main Definitions #

Main Results #

def FirstOrder.Language.ClosedUnder {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {n : } (f : L.Functions n) (s : Set M) :

Indicates that a set in a given structure is a closed under a function symbol.

Instances For
    theorem FirstOrder.Language.ClosedUnder.inter {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {n : } {f : L.Functions n} {s t : Set M} (hs : ClosedUnder f s) (ht : ClosedUnder f t) :
    theorem FirstOrder.Language.ClosedUnder.inf {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {n : } {f : L.Functions n} {s t : Set M} (hs : ClosedUnder f s) (ht : ClosedUnder f t) :
    theorem FirstOrder.Language.ClosedUnder.sInf {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {n : } {f : L.Functions n} {S : Set (Set M)} (hS : sS, ClosedUnder f s) :

    A substructure of a structure M is a set closed under application of function symbols.

    Instances For

      See Note [custom simps projection]

      Instances For
        theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.mem_carrier {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {s : L.Substructure M} {x : M} :
        x s x s
        theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.ext {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {S T : L.Substructure M} (h : ∀ (x : M), x S x T) :
        S = T

        Two substructures are equal if they have the same elements.

        def FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.copy {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] (S : L.Substructure M) (s : Set M) (hs : s = S) :

        Copy a substructure replacing carrier with a set that is equal to it.

        • S.copy s hs = { carrier := s, fun_mem := }
        Instances For
          theorem FirstOrder.Language.Term.realize_mem {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {S : L.Substructure M} {α : Type u_3} (t : L.Term α) (xs : αM) (h : ∀ (a : α), xs a S) :
          realize xs t S
          theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.coe_copy {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {S : L.Substructure M} {s : Set M} (hs : s = S) :
          (S.copy s hs) = s
          theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.copy_eq {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {S : L.Substructure M} {s : Set M} (hs : s = S) :
          S.copy s hs = S

          The substructure M of the structure M.


          The inf of two substructures is their intersection.

          theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.coe_inf {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] (p p' : L.Substructure M) :
          ↑(p p') = p p'
          theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.mem_inf {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {p p' : L.Substructure M} {x : M} :
          x p p' x p x p'
          theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.coe_sInf {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] (S : Set (L.Substructure M)) :
          (sInf S) = sS, s
          theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.mem_sInf {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {S : Set (L.Substructure M)} {x : M} :
          x sInf S pS, x p
          theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.mem_iInf {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {ι : Sort u_3} {S : ιL.Substructure M} {x : M} :
          x ⨅ (i : ι), S i ∀ (i : ι), x S i
          theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.coe_iInf {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {ι : Sort u_3} {S : ιL.Substructure M} :
          (⨅ (i : ι), S i) = ⋂ (i : ι), (S i)

          Substructures of a structure form a complete lattice.


          The L.Substructure generated by a set.

          Instances For
            theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.mem_closure {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {s : Set M} {x : M} :
            x (closure L).toFun s ∀ (S : L.Substructure M), s Sx S

            The substructure generated by a set includes the set.

            theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.not_mem_of_not_mem_closure {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {s : Set M} {P : M} (hP : P(closure L).toFun s) :
            theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.closure_le {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {S : L.Substructure M} {s : Set M} :
            (closure L).toFun s S s S

            A substructure S includes closure L s if and only if it includes s.

            theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.closure_mono {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] s t : Set M (h : s t) :

            Substructure closure of a set is monotone in its argument: if s ⊆ t, then closure L s ≤ closure L t.

            theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.closure_eq_of_le {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {S : L.Substructure M} {s : Set M} (h₁ : s S) (h₂ : S (closure L).toFun s) :
            (closure L).toFun s = S
            theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.closure_induction {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {s : Set M} {p : MProp} {x : M} (h : x (closure L).toFun s) (Hs : xs, p x) (Hfun : ∀ {n : } (f : L.Functions n), ClosedUnder f (setOf p)) :
            p x

            An induction principle for closure membership. If p holds for all elements of s, and is preserved under function symbols, then p holds for all elements of the closure of s.

            theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.dense_induction {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {p : MProp} (x : M) {s : Set M} (hs : (closure L).toFun s = ) (Hs : xs, p x) (Hfun : ∀ {n : } (f : L.Functions n), ClosedUnder f (setOf p)) :
            p x

            If s is a dense set in a structure M, Substructure.closure L s = ⊤, then in order to prove that some predicate p holds for all x : M it suffices to verify p x for x ∈ s, and verify that p is preserved under function symbols.

            closure forms a Galois insertion with the coercion to set.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For

              Closure of a substructure S equals S.

              theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.closure_iUnion {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {ι : Sort u_3} (s : ιSet M) :
              (closure L).toFun (⋃ (i : ι), s i) = ⨆ (i : ι), (closure L).toFun (s i)
              theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.iSup_eq_closure {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {ι : Sort u_3} (S : ιL.Substructure M) :
              ⨆ (i : ι), S i = (closure L).toFun (⋃ (i : ι), (S i))
              theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.mem_iSup_of_directed {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {ι : Type u_3} [ : Nonempty ι] {S : ιL.Substructure M} (hS : Directed (fun (x1 x2 : L.Substructure M) => x1 x2) S) {x : M} :
              x ⨆ (i : ι), S i ∃ (i : ι), x S i
              theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.mem_sSup_of_directedOn {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {S : Set (L.Substructure M)} (Sne : S.Nonempty) (hS : DirectedOn (fun (x1 x2 : L.Substructure M) => x1 x2) S) {x : M} :
              x sSup S sS, x s

              comap and map #

              def FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.comap {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (φ : L.Hom M N) (S : L.Substructure N) :

              The preimage of a substructure along a homomorphism is a substructure.

              Instances For
                theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.coe_comap {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (φ : L.Hom M N) (S : L.Substructure N) :
                (comap φ S) = φ ⁻¹' S
                theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.mem_comap {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {S : L.Substructure N} {f : L.Hom M N} {x : M} :
                x comap f S f x S
                theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.comap_comap {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} {P : Type u_2} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] [L.Structure P] (S : L.Substructure P) (g : L.Hom N P) (f : L.Hom M N) :
                comap f (comap g S) = comap (g.comp f) S
                theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.comap_id {L : Language} {P : Type u_2} [L.Structure P] (S : L.Substructure P) :
                comap ( L P) S = S
                def {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (φ : L.Hom M N) (S : L.Substructure M) :

                The image of a substructure along a homomorphism is a substructure.

                Instances For
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.coe_map {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (φ : L.Hom M N) (S : L.Substructure M) :
                  (map φ S) = φ '' S
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.mem_map {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f : L.Hom M N} {S : L.Substructure M} {y : N} :
                  y map f S xS, f x = y
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.mem_map_of_mem {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Hom M N) {S : L.Substructure M} {x : M} (hx : x S) :
                  f x map f S
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.apply_coe_mem_map {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Hom M N) (S : L.Substructure M) (x : S) :
                  f x map f S
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.map_map {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} {P : Type u_2} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] [L.Structure P] (S : L.Substructure M) (g : L.Hom N P) (f : L.Hom M N) :
                  map g (map f S) = map (g.comp f) S
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.map_le_iff_le_comap {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f : L.Hom M N} {S : L.Substructure M} {T : L.Substructure N} :
                  map f S T S comap f T
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.map_le_of_le_comap {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (S : L.Substructure M) {T : L.Substructure N} {f : L.Hom M N} :
                  S comap f Tmap f S T
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.le_comap_of_map_le {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (S : L.Substructure M) {T : L.Substructure N} {f : L.Hom M N} :
                  map f S TS comap f T
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.le_comap_map {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (S : L.Substructure M) {f : L.Hom M N} :
                  S comap f (map f S)
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.map_comap_le {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {S : L.Substructure N} {f : L.Hom M N} :
                  map f (comap f S) S
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.monotone_map {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f : L.Hom M N} :
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.monotone_comap {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f : L.Hom M N} :
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.map_comap_map {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (S : L.Substructure M) {f : L.Hom M N} :
                  map f (comap f (map f S)) = map f S
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.comap_map_comap {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {S : L.Substructure N} {f : L.Hom M N} :
                  comap f (map f (comap f S)) = comap f S
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.map_sup {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (S T : L.Substructure M) (f : L.Hom M N) :
                  map f (S T) = map f S map f T
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.map_iSup {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {ι : Sort u_3} (f : L.Hom M N) (s : ιL.Substructure M) :
                  map f (⨆ (i : ι), s i) = ⨆ (i : ι), map f (s i)
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.comap_inf {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (S T : L.Substructure N) (f : L.Hom M N) :
                  comap f (S T) = comap f S comap f T
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.comap_iInf {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {ι : Sort u_3} (f : L.Hom M N) (s : ιL.Substructure N) :
                  comap f (⨅ (i : ι), s i) = ⨅ (i : ι), comap f (s i)
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.map_bot {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Hom M N) :
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.comap_top {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Hom M N) :
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.map_id {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] (S : L.Substructure M) :
                  map ( L M) S = S
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.map_closure {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Hom M N) (s : Set M) :
                  map f ((closure L).toFun s) = (closure L).toFun (f '' s)
                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.closure_image {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {s : Set M} (f : L.Hom M N) :
                  (closure L).toFun (f '' s) = map f ((closure L).toFun s)
                  def FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.gciMapComap {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f : L.Hom M N} (hf : Function.Injective f) :

                  map f and comap f form a GaloisCoinsertion when f is injective.

                  Instances For
                    theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.comap_map_eq_of_injective {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f : L.Hom M N} (hf : Function.Injective f) (S : L.Substructure M) :
                    comap f (map f S) = S
                    theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.comap_inf_map_of_injective {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f : L.Hom M N} (hf : Function.Injective f) (S T : L.Substructure M) :
                    comap f (map f S map f T) = S T
                    theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.comap_iInf_map_of_injective {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {ι : Type u_3} {f : L.Hom M N} (hf : Function.Injective f) (S : ιL.Substructure M) :
                    comap f (⨅ (i : ι), map f (S i)) = ⨅ (i : ι), S i
                    theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.comap_sup_map_of_injective {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f : L.Hom M N} (hf : Function.Injective f) (S T : L.Substructure M) :
                    comap f (map f S map f T) = S T
                    theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.comap_iSup_map_of_injective {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {ι : Type u_3} {f : L.Hom M N} (hf : Function.Injective f) (S : ιL.Substructure M) :
                    comap f (⨆ (i : ι), map f (S i)) = ⨆ (i : ι), S i
                    theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.map_le_map_iff_of_injective {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f : L.Hom M N} (hf : Function.Injective f) {S T : L.Substructure M} :
                    map f S map f T S T
                    def FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.giMapComap {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f : L.Hom M N} (hf : Function.Surjective f) :

                    map f and comap f form a GaloisInsertion when f is surjective.

                    Instances For
                      theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.map_comap_eq_of_surjective {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f : L.Hom M N} (hf : Function.Surjective f) (S : L.Substructure N) :
                      map f (comap f S) = S
                      theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.map_inf_comap_of_surjective {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f : L.Hom M N} (hf : Function.Surjective f) (S T : L.Substructure N) :
                      map f (comap f S comap f T) = S T
                      theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.map_iInf_comap_of_surjective {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {ι : Type u_3} {f : L.Hom M N} (hf : Function.Surjective f) (S : ιL.Substructure N) :
                      map f (⨅ (i : ι), comap f (S i)) = ⨅ (i : ι), S i
                      theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.map_sup_comap_of_surjective {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f : L.Hom M N} (hf : Function.Surjective f) (S T : L.Substructure N) :
                      map f (comap f S comap f T) = S T
                      theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.map_iSup_comap_of_surjective {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {ι : Type u_3} {f : L.Hom M N} (hf : Function.Surjective f) (S : ιL.Substructure N) :
                      map f (⨆ (i : ι), comap f (S i)) = ⨆ (i : ι), S i
                      theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.comap_le_comap_iff_of_surjective {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f : L.Hom M N} (hf : Function.Surjective f) {S T : L.Substructure N} :
                      comap f S comap f T S T
                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

                      The natural embedding of an L.Substructure of M into M.

                      Instances For
                        theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.subtype_apply {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {S : L.Substructure M} {x : S} :
                        S.subtype x = x
                        @[deprecated FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.coe_subtype (since := "2025-02-18")]

                        Alias of FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.coe_subtype.

                        The equivalence between the maximal substructure of a structure and the structure itself.

                        Instances For
                          theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.realize_boundedFormula_top {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {α : Type u_3} {n : } {φ : L.BoundedFormula α n} {v : α} {xs : Fin n} :
                          theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.realize_formula_top {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {α : Type u_3} {φ : L.Formula α} {v : α} :
                          theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.closure_induction' {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] (s : Set M) {p : (x : M) → x (closure L).toFun sProp} (Hs : ∀ (x : M) (h : x s), p x ) (Hfun : ∀ {n : } (f : L.Functions n), ClosedUnder f {x : M | ∃ (hx : x (closure L).toFun s), p x hx}) {x : M} (hx : x (closure L).toFun s) :
                          p x hx

                          A dependent version of Substructure.closure_induction.

                          Reduces the language of a substructure along a language hom.

                          Instances For
                            theorem FirstOrder.Language.LHom.mem_substructureReduct {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {L' : Language} [L'.Structure M] (φ : L →ᴸ L') [φ.IsExpansionOn M] {x : M} {S : L'.Substructure M} :
                            theorem FirstOrder.Language.LHom.coe_substructureReduct {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {L' : Language} [L'.Structure M] (φ : L →ᴸ L') [φ.IsExpansionOn M] {S : L'.Substructure M} :
                            (φ.substructureReduct S) = S
                            def FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.withConstants {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] (S : L.Substructure M) {A : Set M} (h : A S) :

                            Turns any substructure containing a constant set A into a L[[A]]-substructure.

                            Instances For
                              theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.mem_withConstants {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {S : L.Substructure M} {A : Set M} (h : A S) {x : M} :
                              theorem FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.coe_withConstants {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {S : L.Substructure M} {A : Set M} (h : A S) :
                              (S.withConstants h) = S
                              def FirstOrder.Language.Hom.domRestrict {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Hom M N) (p : L.Substructure M) :
                              L.Hom (↥p) N

                              The restriction of a first-order hom to a substructure s ⊆ M gives a hom s → N.

                              Instances For
                                theorem FirstOrder.Language.Hom.domRestrict_toFun {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Hom M N) (p : L.Substructure M) (a✝ : p) :
                                (f.domRestrict p) a✝ = f a✝
                                def FirstOrder.Language.Hom.codRestrict {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (p : L.Substructure N) (f : L.Hom M N) (h : ∀ (c : M), f c p) :
                                L.Hom M p

                                A first-order hom f : M → N whose values lie in a substructure p ⊆ N can be restricted to a hom M → p.

                                Instances For
                                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Hom.codRestrict_toFun_coe {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (p : L.Substructure N) (f : L.Hom M N) (h : ∀ (c : M), f c p) (c : M) :
                                  ((codRestrict p f h) c) = f c
                                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Hom.comp_codRestrict {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} {P : Type u_2} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] [L.Structure P] (f : L.Hom M N) (g : L.Hom N P) (p : L.Substructure P) (h : ∀ (b : N), g b p) :
                                  (codRestrict p g h).comp f = codRestrict p (g.comp f)
                                  theorem FirstOrder.Language.Hom.subtype_comp_codRestrict {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Hom M N) (p : L.Substructure N) (h : ∀ (b : M), f b p) :
                                  def FirstOrder.Language.Hom.range {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Hom M N) :

                                  The range of a first-order hom f : M → N is a submodule of N. See Note [range copy pattern].

                                  Instances For
                                    theorem FirstOrder.Language.Hom.range_coe {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Hom M N) :
                                    f.range = Set.range f
                                    theorem FirstOrder.Language.Hom.mem_range {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f : L.Hom M N} {x : N} :
                                    x f.range ∃ (y : M), f y = x
                                    theorem FirstOrder.Language.Hom.range_eq_map {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Hom M N) :
                                    theorem FirstOrder.Language.Hom.mem_range_self {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Hom M N) (x : M) :
                                    f x f.range
                                    theorem FirstOrder.Language.Hom.range_comp {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} {P : Type u_2} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] [L.Structure P] (f : L.Hom M N) (g : L.Hom N P) :
                                    theorem FirstOrder.Language.Hom.range_comp_le_range {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} {P : Type u_2} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] [L.Structure P] (f : L.Hom M N) (g : L.Hom N P) :
                                    theorem FirstOrder.Language.Hom.range_eq_top {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f : L.Hom M N} :
                                    theorem FirstOrder.Language.Hom.range_le_iff_comap {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f : L.Hom M N} {p : L.Substructure N} :
                                    theorem FirstOrder.Language.Hom.map_le_range {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f : L.Hom M N} {p : L.Substructure M} :
                                    def FirstOrder.Language.Hom.eqLocus {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f g : L.Hom M N) :

                                    The substructure of elements x : M such that f x = g x

                                    Instances For
                                      theorem FirstOrder.Language.Hom.eqOn_closure {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f g : L.Hom M N} {s : Set M} (h : Set.EqOn (⇑f) (⇑g) s) :
                                      Set.EqOn f g ((Substructure.closure L).toFun s)

                                      If two L.Homs are equal on a set, then they are equal on its substructure closure.

                                      theorem FirstOrder.Language.Hom.eq_of_eqOn_top {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {f g : L.Hom M N} (h : Set.EqOn f g ) :
                                      f = g
                                      theorem FirstOrder.Language.Hom.eq_of_eqOn_dense {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] {s : Set M} (hs : (Substructure.closure L).toFun s = ) {f g : L.Hom M N} (h : Set.EqOn (⇑f) (⇑g) s) :
                                      f = g
                                      def FirstOrder.Language.Embedding.domRestrict {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Embedding M N) (p : L.Substructure M) :
                                      L.Embedding (↥p) N

                                      The restriction of a first-order embedding to a substructure s ⊆ M gives an embedding s → N.

                                      Instances For
                                        theorem FirstOrder.Language.Embedding.domRestrict_apply {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Embedding M N) (p : L.Substructure M) (x : p) :
                                        (f.domRestrict p) x = f x
                                        def FirstOrder.Language.Embedding.codRestrict {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (p : L.Substructure N) (f : L.Embedding M N) (h : ∀ (c : M), f c p) :
                                        L.Embedding M p

                                        A first-order embedding f : M → N whose values lie in a substructure p ⊆ N can be restricted to an embedding M → p.

                                        Instances For
                                          theorem FirstOrder.Language.Embedding.codRestrict_apply {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (p : L.Substructure N) (f : L.Embedding M N) {h : ∀ (c : M), f c p} (x : M) :
                                          ((codRestrict p f h) x) = f x
                                          theorem FirstOrder.Language.Embedding.codRestrict_apply' {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (p : L.Substructure N) (f : L.Embedding M N) {h : ∀ (c : M), f c p} (x : M) :
                                          (codRestrict p f h) x = f x,
                                          theorem FirstOrder.Language.Embedding.comp_codRestrict {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} {P : Type u_2} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] [L.Structure P] (f : L.Embedding M N) (g : L.Embedding N P) (p : L.Substructure P) (h : ∀ (b : N), g b p) :
                                          (codRestrict p g h).comp f = codRestrict p (g.comp f)
                                          theorem FirstOrder.Language.Embedding.subtype_comp_codRestrict {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Embedding M N) (p : L.Substructure N) (h : ∀ (b : M), f b p) :
                                          noncomputable def FirstOrder.Language.Embedding.substructureEquivMap {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Embedding M N) (s : L.Substructure M) :
                                          L.Equiv s ( f.toHom s)

                                          The equivalence between a substructure s and its image f.toHom, where f is an embedding.

                                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                          Instances For
                                            theorem FirstOrder.Language.Embedding.substructureEquivMap_apply {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Embedding M N) (p : L.Substructure M) (x : p) :
                                            ((f.substructureEquivMap p) x) = f x
                                            noncomputable def FirstOrder.Language.Embedding.equivRange {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Embedding M N) :
                                            L.Equiv M f.toHom.range

                                            The equivalence between the domain and the range of an embedding f.

                                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                            Instances For
                                              theorem FirstOrder.Language.Embedding.equivRange_toEquiv_apply {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Embedding M N) (a : M) :
                                              theorem FirstOrder.Language.Embedding.equivRange_apply {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Embedding M N) (x : M) :
                                              (f.equivRange x) = f x
                                              theorem FirstOrder.Language.Equiv.toHom_range {L : Language} {M : Type w} {N : Type u_1} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] (f : L.Equiv M N) :
                                              def FirstOrder.Language.Substructure.inclusion {L : Language} {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] {S T : L.Substructure M} (h : S T) :
                                              L.Embedding S T

                                              The embedding associated to an inclusion of substructures.

                                              Instances For