

Differentiability and derivatives of L-series #

Main results #

Implementation notes #

We introduce LSeries.logMul as an abbreviation for the point-wise product log * f, to avoid the problem that this expression does not type-check.

The derivative of an L-series #

@[reducible, inline]
noncomputable abbrev LSeries.logMul (f : ) (n : ) :

The (point-wise) product of log : ℕ → ℂ with f.

Instances For
    theorem LSeries.hasDerivAt_term (f : ) (n : ) (s : ) :
    HasDerivAt (fun (z : ) => term f z n) (-term (logMul f) s n) s

    The derivative of the terms of an L-series.

    If re s is greater than the abscissa of absolute convergence of f, then the L-series of f is differentiable with derivative the negative of the L-series of the point-wise product of log with f.

    theorem LSeries_deriv {f : } {s : } (h : LSeries.abscissaOfAbsConv f < :

    If re s is greater than the abscissa of absolute convergence of f, then the derivative of this L-series at s is the negative of the L-series of log * f.

    The derivative of the L-series of f agrees with the negative of the L-series of log * f on the right half-plane of absolute convergence.

    If the L-series of f is summable at s and re s < re s', then the L-series of the point-wise product of log with f is summable at s'.


    The abscissa of absolute convergence of the point-wise product of log and f is the same as that of f.

    Higher derivatives of L-series #


    The abscissa of absolute convergence of the point-wise product of a power of log and f is the same as that of f.

    theorem LSeries_iteratedDeriv {f : } (m : ) {s : } (h : LSeries.abscissaOfAbsConv f < :

    If re s is greater than the abscissa of absolute convergence of f, then the mth derivative of this L-series is (-1)^m times the L-series of log^m * f.

    The L-series is holomorphic #

    The L-series of f is complex differentiable in its open half-plane of absolute convergence.

    The L-series of f is holomorphic on its open half-plane of absolute convergence.