Analytic functions #
A function is analytic in one dimension around 0
if it can be written as a converging power series
Σ pₙ zⁿ
. This definition can be extended to any dimension (even in infinite dimension) by
requiring that pₙ
is a continuous n
-multilinear map. In general, pₙ
is not unique (in two
dimensions, taking p₂ (x, y) (x', y') = x y'
or y x'
gives the same map when applied to a
vector (x, y) (x, y)
). A way to guarantee uniqueness is to take a symmetric pₙ
, but this is not
always possible in nonzero characteristic (in characteristic 2, the previous example has no
symmetric representative). Therefore, we do not insist on symmetry or uniqueness in the definition,
and we only require the existence of a converging series.
The general framework is important to say that the exponential map on bounded operators on a Banach space is analytic, as well as the inverse on invertible operators.
Main definitions #
Let p
be a formal multilinear series from E
to F
, i.e., p n
is a multilinear map on E^n
for n : ℕ
: the largestr : ℝ≥0∞
such that‖p n‖ * r^n
grows subexponentially.p.le_radius_of_bound
: if‖p n‖ * r ^ n
is bounded above, thenr ≤ p.radius
: ifr < p.radius
, then‖p n‖ * r ^ n
tends to zero exponentially;p.lt_radius_of_isBigO
: ifr ≠ 0
and‖p n‖ * r ^ n = O(a ^ n)
for some-1 < a < 1
, thenr < p.radius
;p.partialSum n x
: the sum∑_{i = 0}^{n-1} pᵢ xⁱ
.p.sum x
: the sum∑'_{i = 0}^{∞} pᵢ xⁱ
Additionally, let f
be a function from E
to F
HasFPowerSeriesOnBall f p x r
: on the ball of centerx
with radiusr
,f (x + y) = ∑'_n pₙ yⁿ
.HasFPowerSeriesAt f p x
: on some ball of centerx
with positive radius, holdsHasFPowerSeriesOnBall f p x r
.AnalyticAt 𝕜 f x
: there exists a power seriesp
such that holdsHasFPowerSeriesAt f p x
.AnalyticOnNhd 𝕜 f s
: the functionf
is analytic at every point ofs
We also define versions of HasFPowerSeriesOnBall
, AnalyticAt
, and AnalyticOnNhd
restricted to
a set, similar to ContinuousWithinAt
. See Mathlib.Analysis.Analytic.Within
for basic properties.
AnalyticWithinAt 𝕜 f s x
means a power series atx
converges tof
on𝓝[s ∪ {x}] x
.AnalyticOn 𝕜 f s t
means∀ x ∈ t, AnalyticWithinAt 𝕜 f s x
We develop the basic properties of these notions, notably:
- If a function admits a power series, it is continuous (see
). - In a complete space, the sum of a formal power series with positive radius is well defined on the
disk of convergence, see
Implementation details #
We only introduce the radius of convergence of a power series, as p.radius
For a power series in finitely many dimensions, there is a finer (directional, coordinate-dependent)
notion, describing the polydisk of convergence. This notion is more specific, and not necessary to
build the general theory. We do not define it here.
Given a formal multilinear series p
and a vector x
, then p.sum x
is the sum Σ pₙ xⁿ
. A
priori, it only behaves well when ‖x‖ < p.radius
Instances For
Given a formal multilinear series p
and a vector x
, then p.partialSum n x
is the sum
Σ pₖ xᵏ
for k ∈ {0,..., n-1}
- p.partialSum n x = ∑ k ∈ Finset.range n, (p k) fun (x_1 : Fin k) => x
Instances For
The partial sums of a formal multilinear series are continuous.
The radius of a formal multilinear series #
The radius of a formal multilinear series is the largest r
such that the sum Σ ‖pₙ‖ ‖y‖ⁿ
converges for all ‖y‖ < r
. This implies that Σ pₙ yⁿ
converges for all ‖y‖ < r
, but these
definitions are not equivalent in general.
Instances For
If ‖pₙ‖ rⁿ
is bounded in n
, then the radius of p
is at least r
If ‖pₙ‖ rⁿ
is bounded in n
, then the radius of p
is at least r
If ‖pₙ‖ rⁿ = O(1)
, as n → ∞
, then the radius of p
is at least r
has infinite radius of convergence
For r
strictly smaller than the radius of p
, then ‖pₙ‖ rⁿ
tends to zero exponentially:
for some 0 < a < 1
, ‖p n‖ rⁿ = o(aⁿ)
For r
strictly smaller than the radius of p
, then ‖pₙ‖ rⁿ = o(1)
For r
strictly smaller than the radius of p
, then ‖pₙ‖ rⁿ
tends to zero exponentially:
for some 0 < a < 1
and C > 0
, ‖p n‖ * r ^ n ≤ C * a ^ n
If r ≠ 0
and ‖pₙ‖ rⁿ = O(aⁿ)
for some -1 < a < 1
, then r < p.radius
For r
strictly smaller than the radius of p
, then ‖pₙ‖ rⁿ
is bounded.
For r
strictly smaller than the radius of p
, then ‖pₙ‖ rⁿ
is bounded.
For r
strictly smaller than the radius of p
, then ‖pₙ‖ rⁿ
is bounded.
If the radius of p
is positive, then ‖pₙ‖
grows at most geometrically.
The radius of the sum of two formal series is at least the minimum of their two radii.
Expanding a function as a power series #
Given a function f : E → F
and a formal multilinear series p
, we say that f
has p
a power series on the ball of radius r > 0
around x
if f (x + y) = ∑' pₙ yⁿ
for all ‖y‖ < r
Instances For
Analogue of HasFPowerSeriesOnBall
where convergence is required only on a set s
. We also
require convergence at x
as the behavior of this notion is very bad otherwise.
converges onball 0 r
The radius of convergence is positive
- hasSum {y : E} : x + y ∈ insert x s → y ∈ EMetric.ball 0 r → HasSum (fun (n : ℕ) => (p n) fun (x : Fin n) => y) (f (x + y))
p converges to f
Instances For
Given a function f : E → F
and a formal multilinear series p
, we say that f
has p
a power series around x
if f (x + y) = ∑' pₙ yⁿ
for all y
in a neighborhood of 0
- HasFPowerSeriesAt f p x = ∃ (r : ENNReal), HasFPowerSeriesOnBall f p x r
Instances For
Analogue of HasFPowerSeriesAt
where convergence is required only on a set s
- HasFPowerSeriesWithinAt f p s x = ∃ (r : ENNReal), HasFPowerSeriesWithinOnBall f p s x r
Instances For
Given a function f : E → F
, we say that f
is analytic at x
if it admits a convergent power
series expansion around x
- AnalyticAt 𝕜 f x = ∃ (p : FormalMultilinearSeries 𝕜 E F), HasFPowerSeriesAt f p x
Instances For
is analytic within s
at x
if it has a power series at x
that converges on 𝓝[s] x
- AnalyticWithinAt 𝕜 f s x = ∃ (p : FormalMultilinearSeries 𝕜 E F), HasFPowerSeriesWithinAt f p s x
Instances For
Given a function f : E → F
, we say that f
is analytic on a set s
if it is analytic around
every point of s
- AnalyticOnNhd 𝕜 f s = ∀ x ∈ s, AnalyticAt 𝕜 f x
Instances For
is analytic within s
if it is analytic within s
at each point of s
. Note that
this is weaker than AnalyticOnNhd 𝕜 f s
, as f
is allowed to be arbitrary outside s
- AnalyticOn 𝕜 f s = ∀ x ∈ s, AnalyticWithinAt 𝕜 f s x
Instances For
Alias of AnalyticOn
is analytic within s
if it is analytic within s
at each point of s
. Note that
this is weaker than AnalyticOnNhd 𝕜 f s
, as f
is allowed to be arbitrary outside s
Instances For
If a function f
has a power series p
around x
, then the function z ↦ f (z - y)
has the
same power series around x + y
Variant of HasFPowerSeriesWithinOnBall.congr
in which one requests equality on insert x s
instead of separating x
and s
Analytic functions #
Alias of analyticOn_univ
Alias of AnalyticOnNhd.analyticOn
Alias of AnalyticOn.congr
Alias of AnalyticOnNhd.congr'
Alias of analyticOnNhd_congr'
Alias of analyticOnNhd_congr
Alias of AnalyticWithinAt.mono_of_mem_nhdsWithin
Alias of AnalyticOn.mono
Composition with linear maps #
If a function f
has a power series p
on a ball within a set and g
is linear,
then g ∘ f
has the power series g ∘ p
on the same ball.
If a function f
has a power series p
on a ball and g
is linear, then g ∘ f
has the
power series g ∘ p
on the same ball.
If a function f
is analytic on a set s
and g
is linear, then g ∘ f
is analytic
on s
If a function f
is analytic on a set s
and g
is linear, then g ∘ f
is analytic
on s
Relation between analytic function and the partial sums of its power series #
If a function admits a power series expansion within a ball, then the partial sums
p.partialSum n z
converge to f (x + y)
as n → ∞
and z → y
. Note that x + z
doesn't need
to belong to the set where the power series expansion holds.
If a function admits a power series on a ball, then the partial sums
p.partialSum n z
converges to f (x + y)
as n → ∞
and z → y
If a function admits a power series expansion, then it is exponentially close to the partial sums of this power series on strict subdisks of the disk of convergence.
This version provides an upper estimate that decreases both in ‖y‖
and n
. See also
for a weaker version.
If a function admits a power series expansion, then it is exponentially close to the partial sums of this power series on strict subdisks of the disk of convergence.
This version provides an upper estimate that decreases both in ‖y‖
and n
. See also
for a weaker version.
If a function admits a power series expansion within a set in a ball, then it is exponentially close to the partial sums of this power series on strict subdisks of the disk of convergence.
If a function admits a power series expansion, then it is exponentially close to the partial sums of this power series on strict subdisks of the disk of convergence.
Taylor formula for an analytic function within a set, IsBigO
Taylor formula for an analytic function, IsBigO
If f
has formal power series ∑ n, pₙ
in a set, within a ball of radius r
, then
for y, z
in any smaller ball, the norm of the difference f y - f z - p 1 (fun _ ↦ y - z)
bounded above by C * (max ‖y - x‖ ‖z - x‖) * ‖y - z‖
. This lemma formulates this property
using IsBigO
and Filter.principal
on E × E
If f
has formal power series ∑ n, pₙ
on a ball of radius r
, then for y, z
in any smaller
ball, the norm of the difference f y - f z - p 1 (fun _ ↦ y - z)
is bounded above by
C * (max ‖y - x‖ ‖z - x‖) * ‖y - z‖
. This lemma formulates this property using IsBigO
on E × E
If f
has formal power series ∑ n, pₙ
within a set, on a ball of radius r
, then for y, z
in any smaller ball, the norm of the difference f y - f z - p 1 (fun _ ↦ y - z)
is bounded above
by C * (max ‖y - x‖ ‖z - x‖) * ‖y - z‖
If f
has formal power series ∑ n, pₙ
on a ball of radius r
, then for y, z
in any smaller
ball, the norm of the difference f y - f z - p 1 (fun _ ↦ y - z)
is bounded above by
C * (max ‖y - x‖ ‖z - x‖) * ‖y - z‖
If f
has formal power series ∑ n, pₙ
at x
within a set s
, then
f y - f z - p 1 (fun _ ↦ y - z) = O(‖(y, z) - (x, x)‖ * ‖y - z‖)
as (y, z) → (x, x)
within s × s
If f
has formal power series ∑ n, pₙ
at x
, then
f y - f z - p 1 (fun _ ↦ y - z) = O(‖(y, z) - (x, x)‖ * ‖y - z‖)
as (y, z) → (x, x)
In particular, f
is strictly differentiable at x
If a function admits a power series expansion within a set at x
, then it is the uniform limit
of the partial sums of this power series on strict subdisks of the disk of convergence, i.e.,
f (x + y)
is the uniform limit of p.partialSum n y
If a function admits a power series expansion at x
, then it is the uniform limit of the
partial sums of this power series on strict subdisks of the disk of convergence, i.e., f (x + y)
is the uniform limit of p.partialSum n y
If a function admits a power series expansion within a set at x
, then it is the locally
uniform limit of the partial sums of this power series on the disk of convergence, i.e., f (x + y)
is the locally uniform limit of p.partialSum n y
If a function admits a power series expansion at x
, then it is the locally uniform limit of
the partial sums of this power series on the disk of convergence, i.e., f (x + y)
is the locally uniform limit of p.partialSum n y
If a function admits a power series expansion within a set at x
, then it is the uniform limit
of the partial sums of this power series on strict subdisks of the disk of convergence, i.e., f y
is the uniform limit of p.partialSum n (y - x)
If a function admits a power series expansion at x
, then it is the uniform limit of the
partial sums of this power series on strict subdisks of the disk of convergence, i.e., f y
is the uniform limit of p.partialSum n (y - x)
If a function admits a power series expansion within a set at x
, then it is the locally
uniform limit of the partial sums of this power series on the disk of convergence, i.e., f y
is the locally uniform limit of p.partialSum n (y - x)
If a function admits a power series expansion at x
, then it is the locally uniform limit of
the partial sums of this power series on the disk of convergence, i.e., f y
is the locally uniform limit of p.partialSum n (y - x)
If a function admits a power series expansion within a set on a ball, then it is continuous there.
If a function admits a power series expansion on a ball, then it is continuous there.
Alias of AnalyticOn.continuousOn
Analytic everywhere implies continuous
Alias of AnalyticOnNhd.continuous
Analytic everywhere implies continuous
In a complete space, the sum of a converging power series p
admits p
as a power series.
This is not totally obvious as we need to check the convergence of the series.
The sum of a converging power series is continuous in its disk of convergence.
A function f : 𝕜 → E
has p
as power series expansion at a point z₀
iff it is the sum of
in a neighborhood of z₀
. This makes some proofs easier by hiding the fact that
depends on p.radius