L-series of Dirichlet characters and arithmetic functions #
We collect some results on L-series of specific (arithmetic) functions, for example,
the Möbius function μ
or the von Mangoldt function Λ
. In particular, we show that
L ↗Λ
is the negative of the logarithmic derivative of the Riemann zeta function
on re s > 1
; see LSeries_vonMangoldt_eq_deriv_riemannZeta_div
We also prove some general results on L-series associated to Dirichlet characters
(i.e., Dirichlet L-series). For example, we show that the abscissa of absolute convergence
equals 1
(see DirichletCharacter.absicssaOfAbsConv
) and that the L-series does not
vanish on the open half-plane re s > 1
(see DirichletCharacter.LSeries_ne_zero_of_one_lt_re
We deduce results on the Riemann zeta function (which is L 1
or L ↗ζ
on re s > 1
as special cases.
Tags #
Dirichlet L-series, Möbius function, von Mangoldt function, Riemann zeta function
is the function underlying the arithmetic function 1
The L-series of the Möbius function #
We show that L μ s
converges absolutely if and only if re s > 1
The L-series of the Möbius function converges absolutely at s
if and only if re s > 1
The abscissa of absolute convergence of the L-series of the Möbius function is 1
L-series of Dirichlet characters #
is (local) notation for the (necessarily trivial) Dirichlet character modulo 1
- Dchar_one = Lean.ParserDescr.node `Dchar_one 1024 (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "χ₁")
Instances For
The arithmetic function associated to a Dirichlet character is multiplicative.
Twisting by a Dirichlet character χ
distributes over convolution.
The convolution of a Dirichlet character χ
with the twist χ * μ
is δ
the indicator function of {1}
The Dirichlet character mod 0
corresponds to δ
The Dirichlet character mod 1
corresponds to the constant function 1
The L-series of a Dirichlet character mod N > 0
does not converge absolutely at s = 1
The L-series of a Dirichlet character converges absolutely at s
if re s > 1
The L-series of a Dirichlet character mod N > 0
converges absolutely at s
if and only if
re s > 1
The abscissa of absolute convergence of the L-series of a Dirichlet character mod N > 0
is 1
The L-series of the twist of f
by a Dirichlet character converges at s
if the L-series
of f
The L-series of a Dirichlet character χ
and of the twist of μ
by χ
are multiplicative
L-series of Dirichlet characters do not vanish on re s > 1 #
The L-series of the constant sequence 1 / the arithmetic function ζ #
Both give the same L-series (since the difference in values at zero has no effect;
see ArithmeticFunction.LSeries_zeta_eq
), which agrees with the Riemann zeta function
on re s > 1
. We state most results in two versions, one for 1
and one for ↗ζ
The abscissa of (absolute) convergence of the constant sequence 1
is 1
The LSeries
of the constant sequence 1
converges at s
if and only if re s > 1
The LSeries
associated to the arithmetic function ζ
converges at s
if and only if
re s > 1
The abscissa of (absolute) convergence of the arithmetic function ζ
is 1
The L-series of the arithmetic function ζ
equals the Riemann Zeta Function on its
domain of convergence 1 < re s
The L-series of the arithmetic function ζ
equals the Riemann Zeta Function on its
domain of convergence 1 < re s
The L-series of the constant sequence 1
equals the Riemann Zeta Function on its
domain of convergence 1 < re s
The L-series of the constant sequence 1
equals the Riemann zeta function on its
domain of convergence 1 < re s
The Riemann Zeta Function does not vanish on the half-plane re s > 1
The L-series of the von Mangoldt function #
A translation of the relation Λ * ↑ζ = log
of (real-valued) arithmetic functions
to an equality of complex sequences.
The L-series of the von Mangoldt function Λ
converges at s
when re s > 1
A twisted version of the relation Λ * ↑ζ = log
in terms of complex sequences.
The L-series of the twist of the von Mangoldt function Λ
by a Dirichlet character χ
converges at s
when re s > 1
The L-series of the twist of the von Mangoldt function Λ
by a Dirichlet character χ
at s
equals the negative logarithmic derivative of the L-series of χ
when re s > 1
The L-series of the von Mangoldt function Λ
equals the negative logarithmic derivative
of the L-series of the constant sequence 1
on its domain of convergence re s > 1
The L-series of the von Mangoldt function Λ
equals the negative logarithmic derivative
of the Riemann zeta function on its domain of convergence re s > 1