

L-series of functions on ZMod N #

We show that if N is a positive integer and Φ : ZMod N → ℂ, then the L-series of Φ has analytic continuation (away from a pole at s = 1 if ∑ j, Φ j ≠ 0).

The most familiar case is when Φ is a Dirichlet character, but the results here are valid for general functions; for the specific case of Dirichlet characters see Mathlib.NumberTheory.LSeries.DirichletContinuation.

Main definitions #

Main theorems #

theorem ZMod.LSeriesSummable_of_one_lt_re {N : } [NeZero N] (Φ : ZMod N) {s : } (hs : 1 < :
LSeriesSummable (fun (x : ) => Φ x) s

If Φ is a periodic function, then the L-series of Φ converges for 1 < re s.

noncomputable def ZMod.LFunction {N : } [NeZero N] (Φ : ZMod N) (s : ) :

The unique meromorphic function ℂ → ℂ which agrees with ∑' n : ℕ, Φ n / n ^ s wherever the latter is convergent. This is constructed as a linear combination of Hurwitz zeta functions.

Note that this is not the same as LSeries Φ: they agree in the convergence range, but LSeries Φ s is defined to be 0 if re s ≤ 1.

Instances For
    theorem ZMod.LFunction_modOne_eq (Φ : ZMod 1) (s : ) :

    The L-function of a function on ZMod 1 is a scalar multiple of the Riemann zeta function.

    theorem ZMod.LFunction_eq_LSeries {N : } [NeZero N] (Φ : ZMod N) {s : } (hs : 1 < :
    ZMod.LFunction Φ s = LSeries (fun (x : ) => Φ x) s

    For 1 < re s the congruence L-function agrees with the sum of the Dirichlet series.

    theorem ZMod.differentiableAt_LFunction {N : } [NeZero N] (Φ : ZMod N) (s : ) (hs : s 1 j : ZMod N, Φ j = 0) :
    theorem ZMod.differentiable_LFunction_of_sum_zero {N : } [NeZero N] {Φ : ZMod N} (hΦ : j : ZMod N, Φ j = 0) :
    theorem ZMod.LFunction_residue_one {N : } [NeZero N] (Φ : ZMod N) :
    Filter.Tendsto (fun (s : ) => (s - 1) * ZMod.LFunction Φ s) (nhdsWithin 1 {1}) (nhds (∑ j : ZMod N, Φ j / N))

    The L-function of Φ has a residue at s = 1 equal to the average value of Φ.

    theorem ZMod.LFunction_stdAddChar_eq_expZeta {N : } [NeZero N] (j : ZMod N) (s : ) (hjs : j 0 s 1) :
    ZMod.LFunction (fun (k : ZMod N) => ZMod.stdAddChar (j * k)) s = HurwitzZeta.expZeta (ZMod.toAddCircle j) s

    The LFunction of the function x ↦ e (j * x), where e : ZMod N → ℂ is the standard additive character, is expZeta (j / N).

    Note this is not at all obvious from the definitions, and we prove it by analytic continuation from the convergence range.

    theorem ZMod.LFunction_dft {N : } [NeZero N] (Φ : ZMod N) {s : } (hs : s 1) :
    ZMod.LFunction (ZMod.dft Φ) s = j : ZMod N, Φ j * HurwitzZeta.expZeta (ZMod.toAddCircle (-j)) s

    Explicit formula for the L-function of 𝓕 Φ, where 𝓕 is the discrete Fourier transform.

    theorem ZMod.LFunction_one_sub {N : } [NeZero N] (Φ : ZMod N) {s : } (hs : ∀ (n : ), s -n) (hs' : s 1) :
    ZMod.LFunction Φ (1 - s) = N ^ (s - 1) * (2 * Real.pi) ^ (-s) * Complex.Gamma s * (Complex.exp (Real.pi * Complex.I * s / 2) * ZMod.LFunction (ZMod.dft Φ) s + Complex.exp (-Real.pi * Complex.I * s / 2) * ZMod.LFunction (ZMod.dft fun (x : ZMod N) => Φ (-x)) s)

    Functional equation for ZMod L-functions, in terms of discrete Fourier transform.