Analytic continuation of Dirichlet L-functions #
We show that if χ
is a Dirichlet character ZMod N → ℂ
, for a positive integer N
, then the
L-series of χ
has analytic continuation (away from a pole at s = 1
if χ
is trivial), and
similarly for completed L-functions.
All definitions and theorems are in the DirichletCharacter
Main definitions #
LFunction χ s
: the L-function, defined as a linear combination of Hurwitz zeta functions.completedLFunction χ s
: the completed L-function, which for almost alls
is equal toLFunction χ s * gammaFactor χ s
wheregammaFactor χ s
is the archimedean Gamma-factor.rootNumber
: the global root number of the L-series ofχ
primitive; junk otherwise).
Main theorems #
: if1 < re s
then theLFunction
coincides with the naiveLSeries
: ifχ
is nontrivial thenLFunction χ s
is differentiable everywhere.LFunction_eq_completed_div_gammaFactor
: we haveLFunction χ s = completedLFunction χ s / gammaFactor χ s
, unlesss = 0
is the trivial character modulo 1.differentiable_completedLFunction
: ifχ
is nontrivial thencompletedLFunction χ s
is differentiable everywhere.IsPrimitive.completedLFunction_one_sub
: the functional equation for Dirichlet L-functions, showing that ifχ
is primitive moduloN
, thencompletedLFunction χ s = N ^ (s - 1 / 2) * rootNumber χ * completedLFunction χ⁻¹ s
The unique meromorphic function ℂ → ℂ
which agrees with ∑' n : ℕ, χ n / n ^ s
wherever the
latter is convergent. This is constructed as a linear combination of Hurwitz zeta functions.
Note that this is not the same as LSeries χ
: they agree in the convergence range, but
LSeries χ s
is defined to be 0
if re s ≤ 1
- DirichletCharacter.LFunction χ s = ZMod.LFunction (⇑χ) s
Instances For
The L-function of the (unique) Dirichlet character mod 1 is the Riemann zeta function.
(Compare DirichletCharacter.LSeries_modOne_eq
The L-function of a Dirichlet character is differentiable, except at s = 1
if the character is
The L-function of a non-trivial Dirichlet character is differentiable everywhere.
Results on changing levels #
If χ
is a Dirichlet character and its level M
divides N
, then we obtain the L function
of χ
considered as a Dirichlet character of level N
from the L function of χ
by multiplying
with ∏ p ∈ N.primeFactors, (1 - χ p * p ^ (-s))
(Note that 1 - χ p * p ^ (-s) = 1
when p
divides M
The L
-function of the trivial character mod N
The L
-function of the trivial character mod N
Instances For
The L function of the trivial Dirichlet character mod N
is obtained from the Riemann
zeta function by multiplying with ∏ p ∈ N.primeFactors, (1 - (p : ℂ) ^ (-s))
The L function of the trivial Dirichlet character mod N
has a simple pole with
residue ∏ p ∈ N.primeFactors, (1 - p⁻¹)
at s = 1
Completed L-functions and the functional equation #
The completed L-function of a Dirichlet character, almost everywhere equal to
LFunction χ s * gammaFactor χ s
Instances For
The completed L-function of the (unique) Dirichlet character mod 1 is the completed Riemann zeta function.
The completed L-function of a Dirichlet character is differentiable, with the following
exceptions: at s = 1
if χ
is the trivial character (to any modulus); and at s = 0
if the
modulus is 1. This result is best possible.
Note both χ
and s
are explicit arguments: we will always be able to infer one or other
of them from the hypotheses, but it's not clear which!
The completed L-function of a non-trivial Dirichlet character is differentiable everywhere.
Relation between the completed L-function and the usual one. We state it this way around so it holds at the poles of the gamma factor as well.
Global root number of χ
(for χ
primitive; junk otherwise). Defined as
gaussSum χ stdAddChar / I ^ a / N ^ (1 / 2)
, where a = 0
if even, a = 1
if odd. (The factor
1 / I ^ a
is the Archimedean root number.) This is a complex number of absolute value 1.
Instances For
The root number of the unique Dirichlet character modulo 1 is 1.
Functional equation for primitive Dirichlet L-functions.
The logarithmic derivative of the L-function of a Dirichlet character #
We show that s ↦ -(L' χ s) / L χ s + 1 / (s - 1)
is continuous outside the zeros of L χ
when χ
is a trivial Dirichlet character and that -L' χ / L χ
is continuous outside
the zeros of L χ
when χ
is nontrivial.
The function obtained by "multiplying away" the pole of L χ
for a trivial Dirichlet
character χ
. Its (negative) logarithmic derivative is used to prove Dirichlet's Theorem
on primes in arithmetic progression.
- DirichletCharacter.LFunctionTrivChar₁ n = Function.update (fun (s : ℂ) => (s - 1) * DirichletCharacter.LFunctionTrivChar n s) 1 (∏ p ∈ n.primeFactors, (1 - (↑p)⁻¹))
Instances For
s ↦ (s - 1) * L χ s
is an entire function when χ
is a trivial Dirichlet character.
The negative logarithmtic derivative of s ↦ (s - 1) * L χ s
for a trivial
Dirichlet character χ
is continuous away from the zeros of L χ
(including at s = 1
The negative logarithmic derivative of the L-function of a nontrivial Dirichlet character is continuous away from the zeros of the L-function.