Filters with a cardinal intersection property #
In this file we define CardinalInterFilter l c
to be the class of filters with the following
property: for any collection of sets s ∈ l
with cardinality strictly less than c
their intersection belongs to l
as well.
Main results #
establishes that every filterl
is aCardinalInterFilter l ℵ₀
establishes that everyCardinalInterFilter l c
withc > ℵ₀
is aCountableInterFilter
establishes that everyCountableInterFilter l
is aCardinalInterFilter l ℵ₁
establishes that we haveCardinalInterFilter l c
→CardinalInterFilter l a
for alla < c
Tags #
filter, cardinal
A filter l
has the cardinal c
intersection property if for any collection
of less than c
sets s ∈ l
, their intersection belongs to l
as well.
For a collection of sets
s ∈ l
with cardinality below c, their intersection belongs tol
as well.
Every filter is a CardinalInterFilter with c = ℵ₀
Every CardinalInterFilter with c > ℵ₀ is a CountableInterFilter
Every CountableInterFilter is a CardinalInterFilter with c = ℵ₁
Every CardinalInterFilter for some c also is a CardinalInterFilter for some a ≤ c
Construct a filter with cardinal c
intersection property. This constructor deduces
and Filter.inter_sets
from the cardinal c
intersection property.
- Filter.ofCardinalInter l hc hl h_mono = { sets := l, univ_sets := ⋯, sets_of_superset := ⋯, inter_sets := ⋯ }
Instances For
Construct a filter with cardinal c
intersection property.
Similarly to Filter.comk
, a set belongs to this filter if its complement satisfies the property.
Similarly to Filter.ofCardinalInter
this constructor deduces some properties from the cardinal c
intersection property
which becomes the cardinal c
union property because we take complements of all sets.
- Filter.ofCardinalUnion l hc hUnion hmono = Filter.ofCardinalInter {s : Set α | sᶜ ∈ l} hc ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
Infimum of two CardinalInterFilter
s is a CardinalInterFilter
. This is useful, e.g.,
to automatically get an instance for residual α ⊓ 𝓟 s
Supremum of two CardinalInterFilter
s is a CardinalInterFilter
Filter.CardinalGenerateSets c g
is the (sets of the)
greatest cardinalInterFilter c
containing g
- basic {α : Type u} {c : Cardinal.{u}} {g : Set (Set α)} {s : Set α} : s ∈ g → CardinalGenerateSets g s
- univ {α : Type u} {c : Cardinal.{u}} {g : Set (Set α)} : CardinalGenerateSets g Set.univ
- superset {α : Type u} {c : Cardinal.{u}} {g : Set (Set α)} {s t : Set α} : CardinalGenerateSets g s → s ⊆ t → CardinalGenerateSets g t
- sInter {α : Type u} {c : Cardinal.{u}} {g S : Set (Set α)} : ↑S < c → (∀ s ∈ S, CardinalGenerateSets g s) → CardinalGenerateSets g (⋂₀ S)
Instances For
Filter.cardinalGenerate c g
is the greatest cardinalInterFilter c
containing g
- Filter.cardinalGenerate g hc = Filter.ofCardinalInter (Filter.CardinalGenerateSets g) hc ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
A set is in the cardinalInterFilter
generated by g
if and only if
it contains an intersection of c
elements of g
cardinalGenerate g hc
is the greatest cardinalInterFilter c
containing g