Posterior kernel #
For μ : Measure Ω
(called prior measure), seen as a measure on a parameter, and a kernel
κ : Kernel Ω 𝓧
that gives the conditional distribution of "data" in 𝓧
given the prior parameter,
we can get the distribution of the data with κ ∘ₘ μ
, and the joint distribution of parameter and
data with μ ⊗ₘ κ : Measure (Ω × 𝓧)
The posterior distribution of the parameter given the data is a Markov kernel κ†μ : Kernel 𝓧 Ω
such that (κ ∘ₘ μ) ⊗ₘ κ†μ = (μ ⊗ₘ κ).map Prod.swap
. That is, the joint distribution of parameter
and data can be recovered from the distribution of the data and the posterior.
Main definitions #
posterior κ μ
: posterior of a kernelκ
for a prior measureμ
Main statements #
: the main property of the posterior,(κ ∘ₘ μ) ⊗ₘ κ†μ = (μ ⊗ₘ κ).map Prod.swap
:κ†μ ∘ₘ κ ∘ₘ μ = μ
:(κ†μ)†(κ ∘ₘ μ) =ᵐ[μ] κ
:(η ∘ₖ κ)†μ =ᵐ[η ∘ₘ κ ∘ₘ μ] κ†μ ∘ₖ η†(κ ∘ₘ μ)
: Ifκ ω ≪ κ ∘ₘ μ
-almost everyω
, then forκ ∘ₘ μ
-almost everyx
,κ†μ x = μ.withDensity (fun ω ↦ κ.rnDeriv (Kernel.const _ (κ ∘ₘ μ)) ω x)
. The condition is true for countableΩ
: seeabsolutelyContinuous_comp_of_countable
Notation #
denotes the posterior of κ
with respect to μ
, posterior κ μ
can be typed as \dag
or \dagger
This notation emphasizes that the posterior is a kind of inverse of κ
, which we would want to
denote κ†
, but we have to also specify the measure μ
Posterior of the kernel κ
with respect to the measure μ
Instances For
Posterior of the kernel κ
with respect to the measure μ
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The posterior is a Markov kernel.
The main property of the posterior.
The main property of the posterior, as equality of the following diagrams:
-- id -- κ
μ -- κ -| = μ -|
-- κ†μ -- id
The posterior is unique up to a κ ∘ₘ μ
-null set.
The posterior is unique up to a κ ∘ₘ μ
-null set.
The posterior of the identity kernel is the identity kernel.
For a deterministic kernel κ
, κ ∘ₖ κ†μ
is μ.map f
-a.e. equal to the identity kernel.
The posterior is involutive (up to μ
-a.e. equality).
The posterior is contravariant.
If κ ω ≪ κ ∘ₘ μ
for μ
-almost every ω
, then for κ ∘ₘ μ
-almost every x
κ†μ x = μ.withDensity (fun ω ↦ κ.rnDeriv (Kernel.const _ (κ ∘ₘ μ)) ω x)
This is a form of Bayes' theorem.
The condition is true for example for countable Ω