Order of multivariate power series #
We work with MvPowerSeries σ R
, for Semiring R
, and w : σ → ℕ
Weighted Order #
: the weighted order of a multivariate power series, with respect tow
, as an element ofℕ∞
: the weighted order of0
: a multivariate power series is nonzero if and only if its weighted order is finite.MvPowerSeries.exists_coeff_ne_zero_of_weightedOrder
: if the weighted order is finite, then there exists a nonzero coefficient of weight the weighted order.MvPowerSeries.weightedOrder_le
: if a coefficient is nonzero, then the weighted order is at most the weight of that exponent.MvPowerSeries.coeff_eq_zero_of_lt_weightedOrder
: all coefficients of weights strictly less than the weighted order vanishMvPowerSeries.weightedOrder_eq_top_iff
: the weighted order off
if and onlyf = 0
: if all coefficients of weight< n
vanish, then the weighted order is at leastn
: the weighted order is some integern
iff there exists a nonzero coefficient of weightn
, and all coefficients of strictly smaller weight vanish.MvPowerSeries.weightedOrder_monomial
: the weighted order of a monomial, of a monomial with nonzero coefficient.MvPowerSeries.min_weightedOrder_le_add
: the order of the sum of two multivariate power series is at least the minimum of their orders.MvPowerSeries.weightedOrder_add_of_weightedOrder_ne
: the weighted_order of the sum of two formal power series is the minimum of their orders if their orders differ.MvPowerSeries.le_weightedOrder_mul
: the weighted_order of the product of two formal power series is at least the sum of their orders.MvPowerSeries.coeff_mul_left_one_sub_of_lt_weightedOrder
: the coefficients off * (1 - g)
and(1 - g) * f
in weights strictly less than the weighted order ofg
: the coefficients off * Π i in s, (1 - g i)
, in weights strictly less than the weighted orders ofg i
, fori ∈ s
Order #
: the weighted order, forw = (1 : σ → ℕ)
is nonzero iff its order is finite.MvPowerSeries.order_eq_top_iff
: the order off
is infinite ifff = 0
: if the order is finite, then there exists a nonzero coefficient of degree equal to the order.MvPowerSeries.order_le
: if a coefficient of some degree is nonzero, then the order is at least that degree.MvPowerSeries.nat_le_order
: if all coefficients of degree strictly smaller than some integer vanish, then the order is at at least that integer.MvPowerSeries.order_eq_nat_iff
: the order of a power series is an integern
iff there exists a nonzero coefficient in that degree, and all coefficients below that degree vanish.MvPowerSeries.order_monomial
: the order of a monomial, with a non zero coefficientMvPowerSeries.min_order_le_add
: the order of a sum of two power series is at least the minimum of their orders.MvPowerSeries.order_add_of_order_ne
: the order of a sum of two power series of distinct orders is the minimum of their orders.MvPowerSeries.order_mul_ge
: the order of a product of two power series is at least the sum of their orders.MvPowerSeries.coeff_mul_left_one_sub_of_lt_order
: the coefficients off * (1 - g)
and(1 - g) * f
below the order ofg
coincide with that off
: the coefficients off * Π i in s, (1 - g i)
coincide with that off
below the minimum of the orders of theg i
, fori ∈ s
Homogeneous components #
: the power series which is the sum of all monomials of given weighted degree, resp. degree.
Under Finite σ
, one can use Finsupp.finite_of_degree_le
and Finsupp.finite_of_weight_le
show that they have finite support, hence correspond to MvPolynomial
However, when σ
is finite, this is not necessarily an MvPolynomial
(For example: the homogeneous components of degree 1 of the multivariate power
series, all of which coefficients are 1
, is the sum of all indeterminates.)
TODO: Define a coercion to MvPolynomial.
The weighted order of a mv_power_series
- MvPowerSeries.weightedOrder w f = if x : f = 0 then ⊤ else ↑(Nat.find ⋯)
Instances For
The 0
power series is the unique power series with infinite order.
If the order of a formal power series f
is finite,
then some coefficient of weight equal to the order of f
is nonzero.
If the d
th coefficient of a formal power series is nonzero,
then the weighted order of the power series is less than or equal to weight d w
The n
th coefficient of a formal power series is 0
if n
is strictly
smaller than the order of the power series.
The order of a formal power series is at least n
the d
th coefficient is 0
for all d
such that weight w d < n
The order of a formal power series is at least n
the d
th coefficient is 0
for all d
such that weight w d < n
The order of a formal power series is exactly n
if and only if some coefficient of weight n
is nonzero, and the d
th coefficient is 0
for all d
such that weight w d < n
The weighted_order of the monomial a*X^d
is infinite if a = 0
and weight w d
The order of the monomial a*X^n
is n
if a ≠ 0
The order of the sum of two formal power series is at least the minimum of their orders.
The weighted_order of the sum of two formal power series is the minimum of their orders if their orders differ.
The weighted_order of the product of two formal power series is at least the sum of their orders.
Alias of MvPowerSeries.le_weightedOrder_mul
The weighted_order of the product of two formal power series is at least the sum of their orders.
The order of a mv_power_series
- f.order = MvPowerSeries.weightedOrder (fun (x : σ) => 1) f
Instances For
The 0
power series is the unique power series with infinite order.
If the order of a formal power series f
is finite,
then some coefficient of degree the order of f
is nonzero.
The order of a formal power series is exactly n
some coefficient
of degree n
is nonzero,
and the d
th coefficient is 0
for all d
such that degree d < n
The order of the sum of two formal power series is at least the minimum of their orders.
The order of the sum of two formal power series is the minimum of their orders if their orders differ.
The order of the product of two formal power series is at least the sum of their orders.
Alias of MvPowerSeries.le_order_mul
The order of the product of two formal power series is at least the sum of their orders.
The weighted homogeneous components of an MvPowerSeries f
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The homogeneous components of an MvPowerSeries