Algebra isomorphism between matrices of polynomials and polynomials of matrices #
Given [CommRing R] [Ring A] [Algebra R A]
we show A[X] ≃ₐ[R] (A ⊗[R] R[X])
Combining this with the isomorphism Matrix n n A ≃ₐ[R] (A ⊗[R] Matrix n n R)
proved earlier
in RingTheory.MatrixAlgebra
, we obtain the algebra isomorphism
def matPolyEquiv :
Matrix n n R[X] ≃ₐ[R] (Matrix n n R)[X]
which is characterized by
coeff (matPolyEquiv m) k i j = coeff (m i j) k
We will use this algebra isomorphism to prove the Cayley-Hamilton theorem.
(Implementation detail).
The function underlying A ⊗[R] R[X] →ₐ[R] A[X]
as a bilinear function of two arguments.
- PolyEquivTensor.toFunBilinear R A = LinearMap.toSpanSingleton A (Polynomial R →ₗ[R] Polynomial A) (Polynomial.aeval Polynomial.X).toLinearMap
Instances For
(Implementation detail).
The function underlying A ⊗[R] R[X] →ₐ[R] A[X]
as a linear map.
Instances For
(Implementation detail).
The algebra homomorphism A ⊗[R] R[X] →ₐ[R] A[X]
Instances For
(Implementation detail.)
The bare function A[X] → A ⊗[R] R[X]
(We don't need to show that it's an algebra map, thankfully --- just that it's an inverse.)
- PolyEquivTensor.invFun R A p = Polynomial.eval₂ (↑Algebra.TensorProduct.includeLeft) (1 ⊗ₜ[R] Polynomial.X) p
Instances For
(Implementation detail)
The equivalence, ignoring the algebra structure, (A ⊗[R] R[X]) ≃ A[X]
- PolyEquivTensor.equiv R A = { toFun := ⇑(PolyEquivTensor.toFunAlgHom R A), invFun := PolyEquivTensor.invFun R A, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
The R
-algebra isomorphism A[X] ≃ₐ[R] (A ⊗[R] R[X])
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The algebra isomorphism stating "matrices of polynomials are the same as polynomials of matrices".
(You probably shouldn't attempt to use this underlying definition ---
it's an algebra equivalence, and characterised extensionally by the lemma
- matPolyEquiv = ((matrixEquivTensor R (Polynomial R) n).trans (Algebra.TensorProduct.comm R (Polynomial R) (Matrix n n R))).trans (polyEquivTensor R (Matrix n n R)).symm
Instances For
Extend a ring hom A → Mₙ(R)
to a ring hom A[X] → Mₙ(R[X])
- f.polyToMatrix = matPolyEquiv.symm.toRingEquiv.toRingHom.comp (Polynomial.mapRingHom f)