

The valuation on a quotient ring #

The support of a valuation v : Valuation R Γ₀ is supp v. If J is an ideal of R with h : J ⊆ supp v then the induced valuation on R / J = Ideal.Quotient J is onQuot v h.

def Valuation.onQuotVal {R : Type u_1} {Γ₀ : Type u_2} [CommRing R] [LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero Γ₀] (v : Valuation R Γ₀) {J : Ideal R} (hJ : J Valuation.supp v) :

If hJ : J ⊆ supp v then onQuotVal hJ is the induced function on R / J as a function. Note: it's just the function; the valuation is onQuot hJ.

Instances For
    def Valuation.onQuot {R : Type u_1} {Γ₀ : Type u_2} [CommRing R] [LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero Γ₀] (v : Valuation R Γ₀) {J : Ideal R} (hJ : J Valuation.supp v) :
    Valuation (R J) Γ₀

    The extension of valuation v on R to valuation on R / J if J ⊆ supp v.

    • Valuation.onQuot v hJ = { toMonoidWithZeroHom := { toZeroHom := { toFun := Valuation.onQuotVal v hJ, map_zero' := }, map_one' := , map_mul' := }, map_add_le_max' := }
    Instances For
      theorem Valuation.onQuot_comap_eq {R : Type u_1} {Γ₀ : Type u_2} [CommRing R] [LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero Γ₀] (v : Valuation R Γ₀) {J : Ideal R} (hJ : J Valuation.supp v) :
      theorem Valuation.comap_onQuot_eq {R : Type u_1} {Γ₀ : Type u_2} [CommRing R] [LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero Γ₀] (J : Ideal R) (v : Valuation (R J) Γ₀) :

      The quotient valuation on R / J has support (supp v) / J if J ⊆ supp v.

      def AddValuation.onQuotVal {R : Type u_1} {Γ₀ : Type u_2} [CommRing R] [LinearOrderedAddCommMonoidWithTop Γ₀] (v : AddValuation R Γ₀) {J : Ideal R} (hJ : J AddValuation.supp v) :
      R JΓ₀

      If hJ : J ⊆ supp v then onQuotVal hJ is the induced function on R / J as a function. Note: it's just the function; the valuation is onQuot hJ.

      Instances For
        def AddValuation.onQuot {R : Type u_1} {Γ₀ : Type u_2} [CommRing R] [LinearOrderedAddCommMonoidWithTop Γ₀] (v : AddValuation R Γ₀) {J : Ideal R} (hJ : J AddValuation.supp v) :
        AddValuation (R J) Γ₀

        The extension of valuation v on R to valuation on R / J if J ⊆ supp v.

        Instances For

          The quotient valuation on R / J has support (supp v) / J if J ⊆ supp v.