Ring theoretic facts about ZMod n
We collect a few facts about ZMod n
that need some ring theory to be proved/stated.
Main statements #
: the ring homomorphismℤ → ZMod n
has kernel generated byn
: two ring homomorphisms intoZMod n
with equal kernels are equal.isReduced_zmod
:ZMod n
is reduced for all squarefreen
The ring homomorphism ℤ → ZMod n
has kernel generated by n
{n : ℕ}
{R : Type u_1}
[CommRing R]
(f g : R →+* ZMod n)
(h : RingHom.ker f = RingHom.ker g)
Two ring homomorphisms into ZMod n
with equal kernels are equal.
ZMod n
is reduced iff n
is square-free (or n=0