

Categories of Compact Hausdorff Spaces #

We construct the category of compact Hausdorff spaces satisfying an additional property P.

Implementation #

We define a structure CompHausLike which takes as an argument a predicate P on topological spaces. It consists of the data of a topological space, satisfying the additional properties of being compact and Hausdorff, and satisfying P. We give a category structure to CompHausLike P induced by the forgetful functor to topological spaces.

It used to be the case (before was merged) that several different categories of compact Hausdorff spaces, possibly satisfying some extra property, were defined from scratch in this way. For example, one would define a structure CompHaus as follows:

structure CompHaus where
  toTop : TopCat
  [is_compact : CompactSpace toTop]
  [is_hausdorff : T2Space toTop]

and give it the category structure induced from topological spaces. Then the category of profinite spaces was defined as follows:

structure Profinite where
  toCompHaus : CompHaus
  [isTotallyDisconnected : TotallyDisconnectedSpace toCompHaus]

The categories Stonean consisting of extremally disconnected compact Hausdorff spaces and LightProfinite consisting of totally disconnected, second countable compact Hausdorff spaces were defined in a similar way. This resulted in code duplication, and reducing this duplication was part of the motivation for introducing CompHausLike.

Using CompHausLike, we can now define CompHaus := CompHausLike (fun _ ↦ True) Profinite := CompHausLike (fun X ↦ TotallyDisconnectedSpace X). Stonean := CompHausLike (fun X ↦ ExtremallyDisconnected X). LightProfinite := CompHausLike (fun X ↦ TotallyDisconnectedSpace X ∧ SecondCountableTopology X).

These four categories are important building blocks of condensed objects (see the files Condensed.Basic and Condensed.Light.Basic). These categories share many properties and often, one wants to argue about several of them simultaneously. This is the other part of the motivation for introducing CompHausLike. On paper, one would say "let C be on of the categories CompHaus or Profinite, then the following holds: ...". This was not possible in Lean using the old definitions. Using the new definitions, this becomes a matter of identifying what common property of CompHaus and Profinite is used in the proof in question, and then proving the theorem for CompHausLike P satisfying that property, and it will automatically apply to both CompHaus and Profinite.

structure CompHausLike (P : TopCatProp) :
Type (u + 1)

The type of Compact Hausdorff topological spaces satisfying an additional property P.

  • toTop : TopCat

    The underlying topological space of an object of CompHausLike P.

  • is_compact : CompactSpace self.toTop

    The underlying topological space is compact.

  • is_hausdorff : T2Space self.toTop

    The underlying topological space is T2.

  • prop : P self.toTop

    The underlying topological space satisfies P.

Instances For

    This wraps the predicate P : TopCat → Prop in a typeclass.

      @[reducible, inline]

      A constructor for objects of the category CompHausLike P, taking a type, and bundling the compact Hausdorff topology found by typeclass inference.

      Instances For
        theorem CompHausLike.coe_of (P : TopCatProp) (X : Type u) [TopologicalSpace X] [CompactSpace X] [T2Space X] [HasProp P X] :
        (of P X).toTop = X
        @[reducible, inline]
        abbrev CompHausLike.ofHom (P : TopCatProp) {X : Type u} [TopologicalSpace X] [CompactSpace X] [T2Space X] [HasProp P X] {Y : Type u} [TopologicalSpace Y] [CompactSpace Y] [T2Space Y] [HasProp P Y] (f : C(X, Y)) :
        of P X of P Y

        Typecheck a continous map as a morphism in the category CompHausLike P.

        Instances For
          theorem CompHausLike.ofHom_comp (P : TopCatProp) {X : Type u} [TopologicalSpace X] [CompactSpace X] [T2Space X] [HasProp P X] {Y : Type u} [TopologicalSpace Y] [CompactSpace Y] [T2Space Y] [HasProp P Y] {Z : Type u} [TopologicalSpace Z] [CompactSpace Z] [T2Space Z] [HasProp P Z] (f : C(X, Y)) (g : C(Y, Z)) :

          If P imples P', then there is a functor from CompHausLike P to CompHausLike P'.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
            theorem CompHausLike.toCompHausLike_map {P P' : TopCatProp} (h : ∀ (X : CompHausLike P), P X.toTopP' X.toTop) {X✝ Y✝ : CompHausLike P} (f : X✝ Y✝) :

            If P imples P', then the functor from CompHausLike P to CompHausLike P' is fully faithful.

            Instances For
              instance CompHausLike.instFullToCompHausLike {P P' : TopCatProp} (h : ∀ (X : CompHausLike P), P X.toTopP' X.toTop) :
              instance CompHausLike.instFaithfulToCompHausLike {P P' : TopCatProp} (h : ∀ (X : CompHausLike P), P X.toTopP' X.toTop) :

              Any continuous function on compact Hausdorff spaces is a closed map.

              Any continuous bijection of compact Hausdorff spaces is an isomorphism.

              noncomputable def CompHausLike.isoOfBijective {P : TopCatProp} {X Y : CompHausLike P} (f : X Y) (bij : Function.Bijective (CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.hom f)) :
              X Y

              Any continuous bijection of compact Hausdorff spaces induces an isomorphism.

              Instances For
                def CompHausLike.isoOfHomeo {P : TopCatProp} {X Y : CompHausLike P} (f : X.toTop ≃ₜ Y.toTop) :
                X Y

                Construct an isomorphism from a homeomorphism.

                Instances For
                  theorem CompHausLike.isoOfHomeo_inv_hom_apply {P : TopCatProp} {X Y : CompHausLike P} (f : X.toTop ≃ₜ Y.toTop) (a : ((compHausLikeToTop P).obj Y)) :
                  theorem CompHausLike.isoOfHomeo_hom_hom_apply {P : TopCatProp} {X Y : CompHausLike P} (f : X.toTop ≃ₜ Y.toTop) (a : ((compHausLikeToTop P).obj X)) :
                  def CompHausLike.homeoOfIso {P : TopCatProp} {X Y : CompHausLike P} (f : X Y) :
                  X.toTop ≃ₜ Y.toTop

                  Construct a homeomorphism from an isomorphism.

                  Instances For
                    def CompHausLike.isoEquivHomeo {P : TopCatProp} {X Y : CompHausLike P} :
                    (X Y) (X.toTop ≃ₜ Y.toTop)

                    The equivalence between isomorphisms in CompHaus and homeomorphisms of topological spaces.

                    Instances For
                      def CompHausLike.const {P : TopCatProp} (T : CompHausLike P) {S : CompHausLike P} (s : S.toTop) :
                      T S

                      A constant map as a morphism in CompHausLike

                      Instances For