Totally disconnected and totally separated topological spaces #
Main definitions #
We define the following properties for sets in a topological space:
: all of its connected components are singletons.IsTotallySeparated
: any two points can be separated by two disjoint opens that cover the set.
For both of these definitions, we also have a class stating that the whole space
satisfies that property: TotallyDisconnectedSpace
, TotallySeparatedSpace
A set s
is called totally disconnected if every subset t ⊆ s
which is preconnected is
a subsingleton, ie either empty or a singleton.
- IsTotallyDisconnected s = ∀ t ⊆ s, IsPreconnected t → t.Subsingleton
Instances For
A space is totally disconnected if all of its connected components are singletons.
- isTotallyDisconnected_univ : IsTotallyDisconnected Set.univ
The universal set
in a totally disconnected space is totally disconnected.
Let X
be a topological space, and suppose that for all distinct x,y ∈ X
, there
is some clopen set U
such that x ∈ U
and y ∉ U
. Then X
is totally disconnected.
A space is totally disconnected iff its connected components are subsingletons.
A space is totally disconnected iff its connected components are singletons.
The image of a connected component in a totally disconnected space is a singleton.
A set s
is called totally separated if any two points of this set can be separated
by two disjoint open sets covering s
Instances For
A space is totally separated if any two points can be separated by two disjoint open sets covering the whole space.
- isTotallySeparated_univ : IsTotallySeparated Set.univ
The universal set
in a totally separated space is totally separated.
The lift to connectedComponents α
of a continuous map from α
to a totally disconnected space
- h.connectedComponentsLift x = Quotient.liftOn' x f ⋯
Instances For
Functoriality of connectedComponents
Instances For
A preconnected set s
has the property that every map to a
discrete space that is continuous on s
is constant on s
A PreconnectedSpace
version of isPreconnected.constant
Refinement of IsPreconnected.constant
only assuming the map factors through a
discrete subset of the target.
A version of IsPreconnected.constant_of_mapsTo
that assumes that the codomain is nonempty and
proves that f
is equal to const α y
on S
for some y ∈ T