Continuous functions on a compact space #
Continuous functions C(α, β)
from a compact space α
to a metric space β
are automatically bounded, and so acquire various structures inherited from α →ᵇ β
This file transfers these structures, and restates some lemmas characterising these structures.
If you need a lemma which is proved about α →ᵇ β
but not for C(α, β)
when α
is compact,
you should restate it here. You can also use
to move functions back and forth.
When α
is compact, the bounded continuous maps α →ᵇ β
equivalent to C(α, β)
- ContinuousMap.equivBoundedOfCompact α β = { toFun := BoundedContinuousFunction.mkOfCompact, invFun := BoundedContinuousFunction.toContinuousMap, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
Alias of ContinuousMap.isUniformInducing_equivBoundedOfCompact
Alias of ContinuousMap.isUniformEmbedding_equivBoundedOfCompact
When α
is compact, the bounded continuous maps α →ᵇ 𝕜
additively equivalent to C(α, 𝕜)
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Instances For
When α
is compact, and β
is a metric space, the bounded continuous maps α →ᵇ β
isometric to C(α, β)
- ContinuousMap.isometryEquivBoundedOfCompact α β = { toEquiv := ContinuousMap.equivBoundedOfCompact α β, isometry_toFun := ⋯ }
Instances For
The pointwise distance is controlled by the distance between functions, by definition.
The distance between two functions is controlled by the supremum of the pointwise distances.
Distance between the images of any two points is at most twice the norm of the function.
The norm of a function is controlled by the supremum of the pointwise norms.
When α
is compact and 𝕜
is a normed field,
the 𝕜
-algebra of bounded continuous maps α →ᵇ β
-linearly isometric to C(α, β)
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Instances For
We now set up some declarations making it convenient to use uniform continuity.
An arbitrarily chosen modulus of uniform continuity for a given function f
and ε > 0
- f.modulus ε h = Classical.choose ⋯
Instances For
Postcomposition of continuous functions into a normed module by a continuous linear map is a
continuous linear map.
Transferred version of ContinuousLinearMap.compLeftContinuousBounded
upgraded version of ContinuousLinearMap.compLeftContinuous
similar to LinearMap.compLeft
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Instances For
Local normal convergence #
A sum of continuous functions (on a locally compact space) is "locally normally convergent" if the
sum of its sup-norms on any compact subset is summable. This implies convergence in the topology
of C(X, E)
(i.e. locally uniform convergence).
Star structures #
In this section, if β
is a normed ⋆-group, then so is the space of
continuous functions from α
to β
, by using the star operation pointwise.
Furthermore, if α
is compact and β
is a C⋆-ring, then C(α, β)
is a C⋆-ring.