Sequences in topological spaces #
In this file we define sequential closure, continuity, compactness etc.
Main definitions #
Set operation #
seqClosure s
: sequential closure of a set, the set of limits of sequences of points ofs
Predicates #
IsSeqClosed s
: predicate saying that a set is sequentially closed, i.e.,seqClosure s ⊆ s
;SeqContinuous f
: predicate saying that a function is sequentially continuous, i.e., for any sequenceu : ℕ → X
that converges to a pointx
, the sequencef ∘ u
converges tof x
;IsSeqCompact s
: predicate saying that a set is sequentially compact, i.e., every sequence taking values ins
has a converging subsequence.
Type classes #
FrechetUrysohnSpace X
: a typeclass saying that a topological space is a Fréchet-Urysohn space, i.e., the sequential closure of any set is equal to its closure.SequentialSpace X
: a typeclass saying that a topological space is a sequential space, i.e., any sequentially closed set in this space is closed. This condition is weaker than being a Fréchet-Urysohn space.SeqCompactSpace X
: a typeclass saying that a topological space is sequentially compact, i.e., every sequence inX
has a converging subsequence.
Tags #
sequentially closed, sequentially compact, sequential space
The sequential closure of a set s : Set X
in a topological space X
is the set of all a : X
which arise as limit of sequences in s
. Note that the sequential closure of a set is not
guaranteed to be sequentially closed.
- seqClosure s = {a : X | ∃ (x : ℕ → X), (∀ (n : ℕ), x n ∈ s) ∧ Filter.Tendsto x Filter.atTop (nhds a)}
Instances For
A set s
is sequentially closed if for any converging sequence x n
of elements of s
, the
limit belongs to s
as well. Note that the sequential closure of a set is not guaranteed to be
sequentially closed.
- IsSeqClosed s = ∀ ⦃x : ℕ → X⦄ ⦃p : X⦄, (∀ (n : ℕ), x n ∈ s) → Filter.Tendsto x Filter.atTop (nhds p) → p ∈ s
Instances For
A function between topological spaces is sequentially continuous if it commutes with limit of convergent sequences.
- SeqContinuous f = ∀ ⦃x : ℕ → X⦄ ⦃p : X⦄, Filter.Tendsto x Filter.atTop (nhds p) → Filter.Tendsto (f ∘ x) Filter.atTop (nhds (f p))
Instances For
A set s
is sequentially compact if every sequence taking values in s
has a
converging subsequence.
- IsSeqCompact s = ∀ ⦃x : ℕ → X⦄, (∀ (n : ℕ), x n ∈ s) → ∃ a ∈ s, ∃ (φ : ℕ → ℕ), StrictMono φ ∧ Filter.Tendsto (x ∘ φ) Filter.atTop (nhds a)
Instances For
A space X
is sequentially compact if every sequence in X
has a
converging subsequence.
- isSeqCompact_univ : IsSeqCompact Set.univ
A topological space is called a Fréchet-Urysohn space, if the sequential closure of any set is equal to its closure. Since one of the inclusions is trivial, we require only the non-trivial one in the definition.
A topological space is said to be a sequential space if any sequentially closed set in this space is closed. This condition is weaker than being a Fréchet-Urysohn space.
- isClosed_of_seq (s : Set X) : IsSeqClosed s → IsClosed s
In a sequential space, a sequentially closed set is closed.