Topology on ℝ≥0
The natural topology on ℝ≥0
(the one induced from ℝ
), and a basic API.
Main definitions #
Instances for the following typeclasses are defined:
TopologicalSpace ℝ≥0
IsTopologicalSemiring ℝ≥0
SecondCountableTopology ℝ≥0
OrderTopology ℝ≥0
ProperSpace ℝ≥0
ContinuousSub ℝ≥0
HasContinuousInv₀ ℝ≥0
(continuity ofx⁻¹
away from0
)ContinuousSMul ℝ≥0 α
has a continuousMulAction ℝ α
Everything is inherited from the corresponding structures on the reals.
{α : Type u_1}
[TopologicalSpace α]
[MulAction ℝ α]
[ContinuousSMul ℝ α]
Embedding of ℝ≥0
to ℝ
as a bundled continuous map.
- ContinuousMap.coeNNRealReal = { toFun := NNReal.toReal, continuous_toFun := NNReal.continuous_coe }