The subgroup "multiples of a
" (zmultiples a
) is a discrete subgroup of ℝ
, i.e. its
intersection with compact sets is finite.
This is a special case of NormedSpace.discreteTopology_zmultiples
. It exists only to simplify
Under the coercion from ℤ
to ℝ
, inverse images of compact sets are finite.
{a : ℝ}
(ha : a ≠ 0)
Filter.Tendsto (⇑((zmultiplesHom ℝ) a)) Filter.cofinite (Filter.cocompact ℝ)
For nonzero a
, the "multiples of a
" map zmultiplesHom
from ℤ
to ℝ
is discrete, i.e.
inverse images of compact sets are finite.
The subgroup "multiples of a
" (zmultiples a
) is a discrete subgroup of ℝ
, i.e. its
intersection with compact sets is finite.