

Recursion on addresses #

In this file, we define fixed-point functions that allow us to construct the allowable permutation used in the freedom of action theorem by recursion on addresses.

Main declarations #

structure ConNF.HypAction [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} (c : ConNF.Address β) :

The inductive hypothesis used to construct the induced action of an approximation in the freedom of action theorem.

Instances For
    noncomputable def ConNF.HypAction.fixAtom [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} (Fa : (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) → (a : ConNF.Atom) → ConNF.HypAction { path := A, value := Sum.inl a }ConNF.Atom) (FN : (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) → (N : ConNF.NearLitter) → ConNF.HypAction { path := A, value := Sum.inr N }ConNF.NearLitter) :
    ConNF.ExtendedIndex βConNF.AtomConNF.Atom

    Construct the fixed-point functions fixAtom and fixNearLitter. This is used to compute the induced action of an approximation on all atoms and near-litters.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      noncomputable def ConNF.HypAction.fixNearLitter [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} (Fa : (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) → (a : ConNF.Atom) → ConNF.HypAction { path := A, value := Sum.inl a }ConNF.Atom) (FN : (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) → (N : ConNF.NearLitter) → ConNF.HypAction { path := A, value := Sum.inr N }ConNF.NearLitter) :
      ConNF.ExtendedIndex βConNF.NearLitterConNF.NearLitter

      Construct the fixed-point functions fixAtom and fixNearLitter. This is used to compute the induced action of an approximation on all atoms and near-litters.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        theorem ConNF.HypAction.fixAtom_eq [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} (Fa : (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) → (a : ConNF.Atom) → ConNF.HypAction { path := A, value := Sum.inl a }ConNF.Atom) (FN : (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) → (N : ConNF.NearLitter) → ConNF.HypAction { path := A, value := Sum.inr N }ConNF.NearLitter) (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) (a : ConNF.Atom) :
        ConNF.HypAction.fixAtom Fa FN A a = Fa A a { atomImage := fun (B : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) (b : ConNF.Atom) (x : { path := B, value := Sum.inl b } < { path := A, value := Sum.inl a }) => ConNF.HypAction.fixAtom Fa FN B b, nearLitterImage := fun (B : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) (N : ConNF.NearLitter) (x : { path := B, value := Sum.inr N } < { path := A, value := Sum.inl a }) => ConNF.HypAction.fixNearLitter Fa FN B N }
        theorem ConNF.HypAction.fixNearLitter_eq [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} (Fa : (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) → (a : ConNF.Atom) → ConNF.HypAction { path := A, value := Sum.inl a }ConNF.Atom) (FN : (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) → (N : ConNF.NearLitter) → ConNF.HypAction { path := A, value := Sum.inr N }ConNF.NearLitter) (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) (N : ConNF.NearLitter) :
        ConNF.HypAction.fixNearLitter Fa FN A N = FN A N { atomImage := fun (B : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) (b : ConNF.Atom) (x : { path := B, value := Sum.inl b } < { path := A, value := Sum.inr N }) => ConNF.HypAction.fixAtom Fa FN B b, nearLitterImage := fun (B : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) (N_1 : ConNF.NearLitter) (x : { path := B, value := Sum.inr N_1 } < { path := A, value := Sum.inr N }) => ConNF.HypAction.fixNearLitter Fa FN B N_1 }