

Supports #

In this file, we define addresses and supports.

Main declarations #

theorem ConNF.Address.ext_iff :
∀ {inst : ConNF.Params} {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} (x y : ConNF.Address α), x = y x.path = y.path x.value = y.value
theorem ConNF.Address.ext :
∀ {inst : ConNF.Params} {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} (x y : ConNF.Address α), x.path = y.pathx.value = y.valuex = y
structure ConNF.Address [ConNF.Params] (α : ConNF.TypeIndex) :

A address is an extended type index together with an atom or a near-litter. This represents an object in the base type (the atom or near-litter) together with the path detailing how we descend from type α to type by looking at elements of elements and so on in the model.

Instances For
    def ConNF.Address_equiv [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} :
    ConNF.Address α ConNF.ExtendedIndex α × (ConNF.Atom ConNF.NearLitter)
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      theorem ConNF.mk_address [ConNF.Params] (α : ConNF.TypeIndex) :

      There are μ addresses.

      Structural permutations act on addresses by following the derivative given in the condition.


      We have a form of the next three lemmas for StructPerm, BasePerm, Allowable, and NewAllowable.

      theorem ConNF.StructPerm.smul_address [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} {π : ConNF.StructPerm α} {c : ConNF.Address α} :
      π c = { path := c.path, value := π c.path c.value }
      theorem ConNF.StructPerm.smul_address_eq_iff [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} {π : ConNF.StructPerm α} {c : ConNF.Address α} :
      π c = c π c.path c.value = c.value
      theorem ConNF.StructPerm.smul_address_eq_smul_iff [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} {π : ConNF.StructPerm α} {π' : ConNF.StructPerm α} {c : ConNF.Address α} :
      π c = π' c π c.path c.value = π' c.path c.value
      • ConNF.BasePerm.instMulActionAddressBotTypeIndex =
      theorem ConNF.BasePerm.smul_address [ConNF.Params] {π : ConNF.BasePerm} {c : ConNF.Address } :
      π c = { path := c.path, value := π c.value }
      theorem ConNF.BasePerm.smul_address_eq_iff [ConNF.Params] {π : ConNF.BasePerm} {c : ConNF.Address } :
      π c = c π c.value = c.value
      theorem ConNF.BasePerm.smul_address_eq_smul_iff [ConNF.Params] {π : ConNF.BasePerm} {π' : ConNF.BasePerm} {c : ConNF.Address } :
      π c = π' c π c.value = π' c.value
      @[reducible, inline]
      abbrev ConNF.Support [ConNF.Params] (α : ConNF.TypeIndex) :

      A support is a function from an initial segment of κ to the type of addresses.

      Instances For
        theorem ConNF.mk_support [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} :

        There are exactly μ supports.

        theorem ConNF.support_f_congr [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} {S : ConNF.Support α} {T : ConNF.Support α} (h : S = T) (i : ConNF.κ) (hS : i < S.max) :
        S.f i hS = T.f i

        A useful lemma that avoids the hypothesis i < T.max.